Anise (they/she)

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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: February 11th, 2024


  • That is a good analysis. I think it ignores the obvious components that the conservatives are well funded precicely because conservative dogma is all about protecting the owner class. Wealthy business people are not going to fund efforts to impose progressive taxation, mandatory sick time etc.

    Sure there are rich people in the arts who lean liberal at least in public, but they are outnumbered and out-spent by capital owners.

    The left will never be able to spend as much on communication so the approach has go be completely different. Using the products of capitalism like social media has been effective. Peer-to-peer organizing is slow but costs little. Tacking pro-worker policies onto the platforms of the otherwise pro-business Democrats as a differentiator has lead to some success.

    Reaching the mass media reach of the far right is so difficult to do without the capital backing though. The left really needs to get into the talk radio game. NPR tries but they are inevitably quite centrist.

  • I always have to talk my folks down from shit they heard on Fox and Newsmax. They have called me frantically panicking that:

    -There is a new gender neutral bathroom in addition to the M and F rooms at their gym!

    “So you haven’t been inconvenienced in any way?”

    " They are going to take the women’s room away! I don’t want to change next to a MAN!"

    “… Are they taking the women’s room away and forcing you into the gender neutral one?”

    " well no…"

    “So you haven’t been inconvenienced in any way. This sounds fine. Why are you calling me again?”

    -The government is going to force them to switch to electric cars and they don’t have a convenient outdoor outlet to charge a car!

    “Did you get a letter that they are going to seize your car?”

    “No not yet but they are going to do it soon!”

    “Okay, well that sounds like it probably isn’t imminent, why dont we wait to see of you get a letter and then we can react then; worst case we take it to court. Also, someday you will have to replace your old car and an electric one might be a good option for you guys. Dad is getting too old to get under the car to change oil and you know he’s too stubborn to take it to a shop. You don’t need a lot of range, you only go to church, the grocery store, and your craft club. There are incentives to put in a charger anyway.”

    My dad has a heart condition and these fuckers are driving both of them to an early grave for cheap political points. Fuck these fear profiteers.

  • I keep coming back to Mint+cinnamon as my daily driver and debian+xfce on older hardware. They just work and both distros and DE are simple and familiar coming from win10. There are enough built-in customization options for me to get the desktop looking how I want it but I don’t have to spend a day configuring it if I don’t want to. It might be a basic choice for basic people, but I was up and running in about an hour and after a month of not booting into windows I wiped that old drive to make room for data. I may switch over to LMDE at some point, but that is more philosophically motivated than an actual need.

    There’s something to be said for simplicity.