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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • The great Speak No Evil god is shocked at the things he’s heard, and has punished those who have offended him by removing their mouths. Warnings have been posted on most city blocks so others do not suffer their fate.


    A storefront with a television in the window. On the television is a monkey with his hand over his mouth. The store has a sign that says ‘Speak no Evil!’ in bold red letters. Humans walking past have solid skin in place of mouths. The humans look puzzled or concerned. The storefront window is slightly cracked. The style is more anime like.

  • Woah! I really dig this! Thanks for posting. One of the many things I really miss about Seattle is the local availability of wide musical styles.

    I used to spend weekends at a music venue/alternative living space there and the random jams were such a great thing to fall asleep to lol. This strongly reminded me of that, though it’s been at least a decade since I was there

  • I posted a picture of myself on reddit asking for hair advice. My head was turned somewhat to the side so my nose was in profile. Someone felt the need to tell me I had the ugliest nose they had ever seen. I never really noticed the shape before that, but now in my mind’s eye it’s huge, crooked and has a hook.

    A decade later I was getting a septoplasty to repair damage from an assault, and I asked the surgeon if he could remove the hook in my nose. He looked at me with the most compassion anyone ever has, and asked me to point out the hook in the mirror. It was the first time in all those years I finally saw my real nose. It’s actually pretty cute, I don’t know what that commentor was smoking