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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • Do a search for you server OS + STIG

    Then, for each service you’re hosting on that server, do a search for:

    Service/Program name + STIG/Benchmark

    There’s tons of work already done by the vendors in conjunction with the DoD (and CIS) to create lists of potential vulnerable settings that can be corrected before deploying the server.

    Along with this, you can usually find scripts and/or Ansible playbooks that will do most of the hardening for you. Though it’s a good Idea to understand what you do and do not need done.

  • I would check two things:

    1. Is it a QLED tv? Those are very efficient with the backlight power. QLED only have a blue led backlight and the “quantum dots” in the panel between the backlight and the LCD panel absorb the blue light and emit the red green and blue needed to create the full color spectrum.

    2. How many nits of brightness does it produce? I’d check for the specific model on RTINGS. It won’t help OP much if the TV is efficient, but so dim that it’s unusable in their case.

    Reflectivity also helps with brightness when viewed in a bright room. The less reflective (matte) the less brightness the TV needs to overcome distracting light sources reflecting on the screen.

    Edit: Had to look it up to be sure, normal LED panels use filters that filter red, green, and blue light from a white light source. This means roughly 1/3 of the light from the backlight is filtered away, hence the energy inefficiency vs QLED which uses the energy from the blue light to create the colors.

    Intestingly, some DLP projectors use alternating red, green, and blue light sources which strobe on the DLP chip which takes turns modulating the intensity of each color. Less efficient (and bright) DLPs use a single white light source and a color wheel (rotating color filter).

  • While I’ve seen many binary choice questions that are loaded questions, I think the above is a good example. A follow up (or two) if the person balks at the question itself is the following:

    Do you know what fascism is and how to spot it?

    Do you think antifa is a single entity and not a general ideology?

    If it’s an entity, can you name or even lookup it’s leadership?

    Do you believe everyone who espouses an anti fascist value system is a member of that org?

    Good binary questions can help guide a discussion and expose biases and misunderstandings held by each side in the discussion. Seemingly paradoxically, nailing down specific stances using those types of questions, you can explore the nuance of certain positions.

    Ex: on abortion

    1. Are you for or against the government mandated birth? (Seems loaded, right?)
    2. Are you for or against the government spending resources and citizen time investigating all miscarriages? 2a. Do you know how common miscarriages are? 2b. Do you know what the medical term is for a miscarriage?
    3. Are you in favor of the law punishing equally anybody who causes a spontaneous abortion or increases the likelihood of one? Even coal power plants?
    4. Are you for or against all abortions including those that are medically necessary to prevent undue suffering and/or injury to the mother? 4a. Do you believe an ectopic pregnancy is a condition that warrants an abortion?
    5. Are you for or against politicians making medical decisions on your behalf in the name of their ideology and/or gaining political points OR should the decision be left between the patient, their doctor, and the medical field’s understanding of the best standard of care?
    6. Are you in favor of all abortions at any time? 6a… Will a hospital in the states with the most liberal abortion laws perform an abortion on a woman with a healthy pregnancy at 8-9 months? 6b. If a fetus lacks a brain and no chance of survival, should the woman be denied the appropriate care?

    Question 1 may just be a way to reframe the stances from “pro-life” / “anti-life”

    Q2 helps bring the reality of what enforcement of that person’s stance may entail.

    Q3 shows that big companies go unpunished for the same (or worse) violations of restrictive abortion laws and other laws that are used to punish women who miscarry.

    Q4 helps bring focus on the fact that anti-abortion laws that are currently being passed and enforced are written so poorly that they are forcing doctors (through threat of imprisonment) to deny what would be routine procedures which would otherwise prevent suffering and permanent injury to women.

  • Jesus,

    In one case, a Haitian professor of ethics had won asylum in an immigration court, yet was kept in ice detention for two years while the government appealed the case.


    Both guards found endless excuses to sanction Keldy. They confiscated her Bible, barked at her in front of the others, and cut her prayer services short.

    "The Christian persecution is coming from inside the house! "

    Lastly ::: spoiler The article ends with her deportortation without her kids. That’s beyond fucked. :::

    Edit: The whole article is an excerpt of the book: “Everyone Who Is Gone Is Here: The United States, Central America, and the Making of a Crisis”

  • Even better, he is suing because the charges against him make him look like a traitor:

    The filing states that as a result of the government’s actions Flynn was “falsely branded as a traitor to his country, lost at least tens of millions of dollars of business opportunities and future lifetime earning potential, [and] was maliciously prosecuted and spent substantial monies in his own defense.”

    Discovery in this suit will be amazing. It’ll be interesting to see the details we didn’t get to see that led to the Judge in one case against Flynn to say “arguably you sold your country out”.