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Cake day: November 6th, 2023


  • My British passport, growing up, and living in the UK for decades argues otherwise, but sure thing mate.

    New money Russian oligarchs get to rub shoulders with British elites and upper class, but proximity is not acceptance. Private school v public school is still a huge determinant to your life’s path even though Oxbridge offer superior education.

    Hunting has never been a part of the general culture yes, but don’t try to tell me there isn’t classist attitudes towards deer stalkers and fox hunters. Press imagery rarely shows the actual attire, but focuses on the “Toffs on horseback” and tweed clad pheasant shooters, versus muck boots and Barbour jackets.

  • Correct. Dress it up however you like, but LLM and ML programs are probability gamblers all the way down. We’re building a conversation tool, that doesn’t truly comprehend the language because it’s a calculator at its core - it’s like asking your eyeballs to see in UHF frequencies.

    They’re called “computers” for a reason, and we are deep in the myopic tech tree of further and further complexity. The current wave of AI has solid potential, but not globally for all applications. It is a great at ‘digital assistant’ roles and is already killing it in CCTV monitoring software. Mindjourney can make incredible images, but it can’t make art. ChatGPT can write, but it’s a terrible author or speechwriter.

  • I dislike his odds too, but if Joe isn’t bowing out, the only option left is a really ugly infight at the convention that miiiight lead to superdelegates coming into play if there’s a contested primary and the first round doesn’t deliver a clear nomination for Joe.

    Biden is too deep on his own “comeback kid” narrative to step down now that the donor class (mostly) got back in line, and the party apparatus sees the reality on the wall. There’s nobody but Joe, unless he wants there to be someone else, and “the lord almighty” hasn’t weighed in on his candidacy yet.

    I just really, really hope that this doesn’t affect downticket races and deliver a divided government in a Biden win, or a Republican majority otherwise. The Senate is a 19:11 seat Rep:Dem contest this cycle, and the rest are tossups.

  • In the Venn diagram of “how fucked am I, personally, if Trump wins?”, they’re not the first, second, or even fifth group that gets murdered in a ditch by Christo-fascist militias. So upsetting the status quo is only seen as risking/actually hurting themselves today, over a possibly in the future. Any talk of “divisiveness” is milquetoast dereliction, the MAGA fringe are not honest negotiators.

    They’re not actual allies, they’re fair weather friends. For all the rhetoric of “resist” that was thrown about in early 2016, I saw a lot of pink pussy hats and very little black-block. Politics is still a game to them, the stakes aren’t real. Yet.