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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 15th, 2023


  • Community college. Took a few classes I never would have normally chosen like art or acting. I was a stay at home introvert who was way past college days, so I couldn’t figure out how to put myself into social situations. But I do like to learn, so signed myself up for some night classes. Ended up dating a few people, made new friends, and married one of them. Night classes bring in the adults who have to work during the day, a few kids too, but I met just about every age group from young to very old. Study groups, group projects, anything that will involve working with or helping classmates, or anything that you think is interesting really. Have life long friends now because of that decision.

    Go back to where you first learned how to make friends, go back to school.

  • I showed chatgpt the picture and it was close to what others on here said.

    “The image shows a fused spur or a fused connection unit (FCU). This type of electrical outlet is used to protect appliances that are permanently connected to the electrical supply without a standard plug, such as heaters, ovens, or lighting circuits.”

    Then I asked what country this is most likely to have this in a home

    “The fused spur or fused connection unit (FCU) in the image is most commonly found in homes in the United Kingdom and Ireland. This type of electrical fitting is a standard feature in these countries, where it is used for appliances that need to be hardwired into the electrical system, such as water heaters, ovens, or extractors. It may also be found in other countries that follow British electrical standards, but the UK and Ireland are the most likely.”

    I thought that was interesting and wanted to share.

  • Yes, but the gravity of the full extent of theit danger to the country hasn’t been relatable enough for the general public. Now call them weird and suddenly people can relate. Democrats have been trying to talk about the forest, when all they needed to do was plant the seed. “Yeah you know what, what he said is weird, what’s up with that…and now that you mention it, what else have they been up to”

  • Here in Florida that’s exactly what’s happening. Mother’s of liberty bully the school boards and administrators and teachers and take over at the ground level like PTA’s. The charter schools get to be selective on who can attend and suddenly a town that’s 10% non-white has a charter schools that are 99% white and is better funded than the public school. Charter schools are a work around for segregation. Also no teachers union in Charter schools, so toe the line or be fired. Now, with better funding and support from the good 'ol boy local politicians the Charter school is the only A rated in school in the district so everyone thinks charter schools are better and wants to get their kids in there. They’re setting the stage for a 2nd civil rights movement but they do not intend on losing again. Fuck! I hate racists.

  • A much much larger proportion of users are computer illiterate, especially federal employees. On top of that, the vast majority of basic software applications used are the Microsoft suite of Outlook, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc. How do you

    1. Retrain an aging workforce to use a new OS.
    2. Retrain to use new software suite for email, docs, etc.
    3. Or rebuild existing software to run on Linux
    4. …there’s more but I’m short on time…

    The ENTIRE US govt runs on Microsoft. That’s a very big pie to rebake. Where do you even begin. I do agree with you, it just feels unsurmountable.