no, there’s also documentation that is 10 years old, entirely out of date and very incomplete.
no, there’s also documentation that is 10 years old, entirely out of date and very incomplete.
because there’s no reason for this sort of thing. some languages have noun classes. in some of those, the noun classes happen to somewhat line up with male/female.
this is some woo shit, attributing the lack of grammatical gender to some unique perspective. bullshit.
hungarian has no grammatical gender either, and hungary is exactly as sexist as every other european culture.
does anything flush the buffers after the print, but before the break? otherwise, if the stream you’re printing to is buffered, you’re not necessarily gonna see any output
everything randomly distributed between ~/dl
and ~/tmp
(i dont even remember why i have both), and then i use lr
to find stuff (alias lr='ls -lrth'
). or find
i’m afraid it’s M$ or MiKKKroSSoft. your choice.
i’d probably do
function cap() {
prename 's/(^[a-z]?)/\U$1/' "$@"
it means it has to be invoked as cap *
, but it also means that you can do cap foo*
or whatever
when you create the alias, the shell substitutes the $1
(to nothing, probably) since your alias is in ""
(double quotes).
now, if you swap the single and double quotes, then the substitution still happens, but at invocation time instead of at definition time.
you actually want perl to deal with this $1
, so neither is good.
you have three options:
quoting, which lets you put ’ (single quote) inside ’ (single quote) without going mad: alias cica=$'foo \'$bar\' baz'
alias cica='foo '\''$bar'\'' baz'
(this is the old way, without bash’s ''
)but without traditions, we’re just drifting aimlessly through life
it’s the fastest way to get crews for your navy
none. you dont need a DE, you can just run a tiling wm and some terminals…
yes, but old people can get over that and just stop giving a fuck and accept that they’re weird now. it must be liberating.
oh yes it made the noise.
are you using ntfs-3g or the older shittier ntfs driver?
makes sense, since we’re on youtube for the ads
what do you mean the output doesnt keep the LF? what LF?
ps also has -u and -U switches to filter by users
is similar
there’s also rename
(the perl one, not the shit one). i have fond memories of renaming albums with rename 's/(\d+)/sprintf "%02d", $1/e'
so they’d ls in the correct order
i rely on this in my job. if i really need it, i’ll be using it often enough that it’ll always be in ^R distance :)
mmmmmm <3
my whole elementary school class visited my dad’s workplace once, cos it was cool. it had a huge anechoic chamber.
and the cantine had canada dry.