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Joined 1 年前
Cake day: 2023年6月22日


  • No shade to OP. Something like this isn’t likey to trip BS alarms unless youre already aware of how big this should be. and it’s the kinda thing that isn’t sexy enough to grab public attention, which lends some credence.

    like, I read a headline like, “FUSION MAKES POWER NOW, FUSION POWER PLANTS EXPECTED NEXT YEAR” and I know it’s BS. But part of that is the way it promises to affect your life, and it does do in terms of Fusion, which enough people would recognize so as to make their eyeballs valuable.

    This article has neither of those really. So yeah. No shade.

    (Edit: guess the words “magical equation” is a pretty quick tip off too lol)

  • Aphantasia is neat. I have to wonder how it affects the way we see the world. I’m 1. It doesn’t really take concentration, which I see on here? it’s not any harder than just a simple internal monologue anyways. But that’s always in motion whether I want it or not so 🤷

    That’s including lights and reflections, but like that’s constructed by me, and so I might imagine a light reflection incorrectly. again just like I might have a definition incorrect for internal monologue.

    Anyways, sure. Imagining is part of it. Like placing yourself in the situation in front of you. I don’t need adult videos to do so though. But like, having full HD imagination doesn’t replace videos of any kind, or else I wouldn’t watch YouTube either ya knoe

  • I would question the efficiency claim. Uber and the like claimed incredible market dominance, driving local food delivery and taxi services out of business. They’re only now really being forced to find profitability.

    I wonder if AI is going to be similar. The powerful models right now, as I understand it, have ludicrous power requirements. I don’t know their balance sheets, but in the current race to market share, I’m skeptical that most of these services are in the green.

    What that ultimately says about the future I don’t really know. Like it could be we reach some point where the models get better, or more specialized, or something and profit arrive. Or maybe theres a point of diminishing returns where the profit just can’t be made, and once the hype falls off (and investors stop clamoring for AI) these companies will ask what they’re getting for the money spent.

    (And of course I could just be straight up wrong about profits today not being there.)

  • Also, it’s cheap to speak total bullshit, but it takes time, effort, and energy, to dispel it. I can say the moon is made of cheese, you can’t disprove that. And you can go out and look up an article about the samples of moon rock we have and the composition, talk about the atmosphere required to give rise to dairy producing animals and thus cheese.

    And I can just come up with some further bullshit that’ll take another 30 minutes to an hour to debunk.

    If we gave equal weight to every argument, we’d spend our lives mired in fact-checking hell holes. Sometimes, you can just dismiss someone’s crap.

  • Honestly I’m wondering if that ends up being much different than Biden? It’s not like we’re doing much right now to stop things. Maybe it takes four years of Biden to wipe out Gaza. Maybe it takes 4 months of Trump. The end result is genocide no matter what I do. At least then the democratic party might understand that you can’t play this game of lesser evils forever.

  • I can’t speak for the original commented, but I’m personally quite tired of the thin veneer that’s slapped into these statements. I would prefer a company just be honest and talk about the profit incentives. They want people using the free version to please pay for the expensive one.

    For my experience, I still retain the general irritation at product quality going down regardless of how they word it. But now I’m also annoyed that MS isn’t being straightforward about it.