• 15 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 17th, 2023

  • Please don’t be too harsh on yourself, you don’t actually know that it would have been a good idea, it is impossible to aay if it would have been better or not.

    You took the logical route, finnishing your education, which opened other doors for you.

    I tend to see life as a game where you are given a set of playing cards at birth, you gradually take over control of your deck as you grow up.

    You play your individual cards with the knowledge you have, and every play can give you even better cards to use later.

    You have no idea if you are about to get your next break, you can only play your cards with the knowledge you have.

  • I have been using a pair of Roth Audio OLi-RA1 speakers with my computer, they are real stereo speakers and require an amplifier to wire them up and power them.

    The are excellent speakers, good general speakers, and not that expensive.

    I don’t use a subwoofer, but it isn’t really needed for me, I do miss some sub bass, but that never bothered me.

    I am currently running them with a no brand Chinese analog amp, from the soubd out on my monitor that is connected to my computer with DisplayPort.

    Works great.

    I sm considering getting a Dennon RCD-M41 tl replace my amp, but have not had any need to do so in the last eight years.

  • The point is that he had/has an interest in keeping Russia happy, that means that everything WL has published since taking Russia’s money is probably only to the detriment of the west.

    That doesn’t mean that WL publishes false/fake information, however true propaganda is still propaganda and serves a political agenda.

    By allying themselves with Russia, WL has made it clear that they are only really focusing on the west’s transgressions, and will mostly ignore Russia’s.

    They are no longer impartial activists, they have taken sides, but still claim to be impartial.

    That is the issue

  • He is a dick, who used to be important for wikileaks but has kept tergeting specific angles for his leaks, which seems to indicate pushing a political agenda, which reduces trust in him and his platform.

    The work he started is too important to leave in his care.

    Example: During the DNC email leak, Wikileaks was clearly in a rush to publish the documents without removing credit card information and social security numbers, this is just sloppy.

    Assange also worked to draw out the release of documents to increase Wikileaks publicity, this went on far enough that he publicly made announcements of releases that never came.

    Wikileaks also published evidence that the DNC was behind the killing of Seth Rich, a DC staffer that Assange alluded to have given him the emails, this evidence came from a PI who has freely admitted not having seen any emails between Wikileaks and Seth not having seen the laptop containing the emails, or even having spoken with someone who had. The PI in question is a known FOX contributer.

    Assange also seems to have weirdly close ties to Russia, he only had his morning talkshow broadcast on RT, supposedly they were the only ones to take up his show for syndication.

    When he was first exiled, he requested that the Russian security service FSB should handle his security detail.

    Today, the largest sponsor of Wikileaks is the Russian Government.

    All of this speaks to Wikileaks not being the supreme beacon of free speach, but rather part of the Russian propaganda machine.

    I don’t think it started this way, Assange and Wikileaks probably started with the best of intentions, but the reality of our society came into play and Assange/Wikileaks sold thier credibillity for money from the Russian government.