Similar to the nail polish suggestion, they also make clear spray paint.
Similar to the nail polish suggestion, they also make clear spray paint.
After 30+ years, I finally bought myself a nice pair of left handed scissors.
If I’m being honest, I’m so used to right handed ones, that the lefty ones feel wrong anyway.
Back when automated toll booths had baskets to throw coins in, I could easily pay tolls at around 45 mph.
EZ pass eventually became a thing, probably saved me from my own young stupidity.
I expect he is a slow reader. He may not have gotten to that part of the book yet.
Yes. This.
This video is absolutely worth the time it takes to watch it.
I have vitaligo. I’m just one person, but I wouldn’t care. Though, perhaps I’m not the best person to ask. Sometimes I forget about it until someone else makes an awkward comment. Personally, I think it’s kinda cool.
Instead of adding an account to the device with all of the management software that goes with it, one could use a generic SMTP email client (K-9 Mail?) and still get the email, but not have to worry about the privacy and remote administration concerns.
Edit: nevermind, I skimmed the question at first, and didn’t see the duo limitation. This solution probably isn’t an option.
Make friends with the guy. He’s got some some stories. True or not, he’s got some stories.
The only reason it is expanding is to keep up with inflation.
How much do you really think they care about what the constitution says?
It sounds like you’re looking for slaves. There’s a reason slavery is illegal.
If this isn’t deliberately rage bait, there is something very wrong with you.
I’ve plans to brew a wheat wine. It’s just so much malt that I find it hard to justify, but I really want to try. 20 years ago it was a fairly uncommon offering at a local brewery that I loved, and I’ve wanted to try and recreate it ever since.
I’ll boop you on the snoot.
…and now we wait.
6yo in the shower: Mom, for some reason when I twist my nipples I fart.
Wife: that’s wonderful dear.
6yo in the shower: now I can fart whenever I want.
Slightly related: Earlier this week, during breakfast I ripped one and tried to blame it on my 6yo son. He gave an annoyed sigh and said: Dad, you need more than two people to play “Who Farted”.
Frozen, or in-the-rumps?
After years of learning Spanish my brother pointed out that the word for umbrella, paraguas, is simply “for water”. Similar to how parasol is “for sun”.
So obvious, but somehow my brain missed it.
“take the poop bag out of your mouth”
Walking the dog with 6yo son. It’s a double deuce event. My son wants to pick up the second deposit, so I let him. He asked me to tie the bag for him, so I asked him to hold the one I picked up earlier. We continue home each carrying a bag of poo. I look behind me, and he is paying attention to I don’t know what, but while he is staring off in the distance, he is unconsciously rubbing the bag of fresh poo on his lips.
Apparently that one wasn’t as obvious as I thought it was.
I know many sports games a lot of the adverts are imposed digitally before broadcast. I don’t watch a lot of sports, but I would certainly enjoy watching more if there were an option to disable the added adverts.