All the time in middle school and high school, I’ve heard, for example, “My girlfriend doesn’t like that I do X” or “My wife and I did X this weekend”, and since the teacher is a man, it’s seen as acceptable.

Would casually mentioning having a girlfriend cause angry emails from parents, even if I’m not discussing forms of romantic attraction in schools? These kids are like 11-14 anyway, parents’ job to teach orientation (which I’ve heard argued) or not.

Also, we learn relationship descriptions in middle school Spanish if you choose to take it, which includes words like novio, novia, esposo, and esposa. (Shouldn’t matter, especially if the school I teach in is at a non-Conservative community)

    13 days ago

    it’s sad, that there is nothing in this comment i can’t agree on.

    but i think, IF (big one) op is able to eff out when things go belly up, they should absolutly scream from the rooftop.

    thing is, that i know nothing about lgbtq+ in the us. here in germany the nazi party leader is in a lesbian partnership, so take what i say with not just a grain of salt.

    BUT (also big one) this is how the big shit startet over here. nazis are not the real problem. it’s the fear of the ordenary people to stick out. people need to realize, that their future will be uncertaint even if they fit the narrative for now. because there is no ending. lgbtq+, jewish, muslim, latino, black, women…

    from this side of the pond it looks like you should think about having a plan b. like leaving the country plan b.

    with that little asterisk in mind, i would say, op should feel the water. what is the mindset of other teachers, children, neighboors? are there other lgtbq+ people? what do they think you should do.

    p.s.: it would be so emberassing if i had to stop reading after the first paragraph of the comment, wouldn’t it?