FAANGlikes are the typical breeding ground. “Move fast and break stuff” industry disrupters whose plan is to corner a market and squeeze it. VC gooners. Crypto perverts. Technofeudalism pedos.
Yep. They basically never recovered from that 3rd bong hit they took in their freshman year of college and think because they’ve read the likes of Bastiat, Friedman, von Mises, Rand, and Rothbard they know everything.
FAANGlikes are the typical breeding ground. “Move fast and break stuff” industry disrupters whose plan is to corner a market and squeeze it. VC gooners. Crypto perverts. Technofeudalism pedos.
Yep. They basically never recovered from that 3rd bong hit they took in their freshman year of college and think because they’ve read the likes of Bastiat, Friedman, von Mises, Rand, and Rothbard they know everything.