I would love the child of a Surfacebook with a Framework laptop; or A bare keyboard attached to a screen, that I could plug my phone (possibly running Phosh) and use it as a hardware for a laptop experience
I would love the child of a Surfacebook with a Framework laptop; or A bare keyboard attached to a screen, that I could plug my phone (possibly running Phosh) and use it as a hardware for a laptop experience
All of these requirements can be met with a laptop.
Nobody’s making laptops for $37, and your bizarre requests certainly cost far more than $1. What planet are you on?
I’m sure you don’t want to hear this, but…
Nit-picking the minutiae of new ideas may make you feel better, but ignoring the core idea will only hurt you and your creativity in the long run.
Instead of finding ways that it won’t work, you could use the same amount of energy to make the idea better.
I replied to your comment point-by-point, addressing the entire core concept.
Talk about nit-picking that limits creativity and ignores core ideas - you’re the one who doesn’t want to accept that what you’re looking for already exists.
You’re mind-bogglingly dense.
Ok buddy. I’m sorry to have upset you.
I’m not upset, but I’m a little baffled. Do you actually have a response to what I said, or are you simply being deliberately obtuse?
No, I’m having a good time seeing how many ways you can call me stupid because you feel so butthurt.
Sure, kid.