• whoisearth@lemmy.ca
    1 year ago

    I’ve seen people spouting this off a few times just today in respects to mastodon “is just as easy as email. People need to stop making excuses and use the alternatives”. A few counter points.

    • the vast majority of people are computer illiterate
    • email is not “easy” to a lot of people in the same way twitter/ig/etc are
    • Those evalgelizing “it’s just like email dude” are probably more tech savvy (they’re here after all)
    • email may be easy but it’s garbage and a 20th century solution and we are in the 21st century now
    • Not everyone has the same level of patience to understand all this federated nonsense

    We (royal we) need to drop the “it’s easy just learn it bro” nonsense. It’s not the same. It’s not like email. There’s a reason it’s not mass adopted yet and a lot of that is the complexity compared to the current products.


    Why is my post here and not a reply? Because apparently replying to someone was giving me “Error: language_not_allowed” whatever that’s supposed to mean lol