Twitter Inc on Wednesday was hit with a lawsuit accusing it of refusing to pay at least $500 million in promised severance to thousands of employees who were laid off after Elon Musk acquired the company.
Living in Russia, I had some idea who Durov is from his interviews and reputation and actions, before Telegram when he was in control of VKontakte too, so I never was a Telegram advocate.
Also that mtproto is a load of hacky crap is something people were writing whole articles about from the very beginning, and their arguments that their IM is “secure” were also quite typical for frauds.
But, still, at some point it was usable. EDIT: And there was hope for alternative clients pleasant to use.
Living in Russia, I had some idea who Durov is from his interviews and reputation and actions, before Telegram when he was in control of VKontakte too, so I never was a Telegram advocate.
Also that mtproto is a load of hacky crap is something people were writing whole articles about from the very beginning, and their arguments that their IM is “secure” were also quite typical for frauds.
But, still, at some point it was usable. EDIT: And there was hope for alternative clients pleasant to use.