
2023.07.11 - upgraded lemmy and lemmy-ui to 0.18.2
2023.07.10 - upgraded lemmy-ui to 0.18.2-rc.1 to mitigate XSS vulnerability
2023.07.10 - VPS upgraded to 8GB RAM (required to upgrade storage, needed anyway… only $2pm)
2023.07.08 - upgraded lemmy and lemmy-ui 0.18.1 🎉
2023.07.06 - upgraded lemmy to 0.18.1-rc.10 and lemmy-ui 0.18.1-rc.11
2023.07.04 - upgraded lemmy-ui to 0.18.1-rc.10
2023.07.04 - upgraded lemmy and lemmy-ui to 0.18.1-rc.9
2023.07.03 - upgraded Lemmy to 0.18.1-rc.4 and lemmy-ui 0.18-rc.7
2023.06.28 - VPS upgraded from 2 to 4 vCPU, other specs the same.
2023.06.24 - upgraded Lemmy to 0.18.0
2023.06.23 - upgraded Lemmy to 0.18.0-rc.6
2023.06.13 - upgraded Lemmy to 0.17.4. Increased federation workers and reduced logging storage at the same time.
2023.06.10 - VPS storage upgraded from 40GB to 80GB, other specs the same.
2023.06.09 - VPS upgraded to 4GB RAM, 2 vCPU, other specs the same.
2023.06.08 - created, running Lemmy 0.17.3. OVH VPS was 2GB RAM, 1 vCPU, 40GB NVME

Nerd Stuff

The server is currently an OVH VPS in Sydney:
4GB RAM, 4 vCPU, 80GB NVME storage

Images are stored in an object store bucket on Wasabi, also in Sydney.

Below are the CPU/RAM/Network/Storage graphs for the last 2 weeks (updated 24/6/23).

Based on utilisation trends, I have no immediate plans to upgrade the VPS.

If you have any questions, please post.



