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The original was posted on /r/redrising by /u/Ambitious-Cell-1228 on 2023-08-09 19:16:00.

First off, this Lysander fuck is really pissing me off. I wonder how PB is going to kill him cause it’s gonna take a lot to satisfy my bloodlust. Light Bringer had a lot of major deaths and maybe it’s just me but I felt some of them were a bit shallow.

Ajax: This death to me felt a bit underwhelming especially due to how hyped up his skill with a razor was. Like the chapters right before his death were all about how he was an even better razormaster than Aja. I know his underwhelming death follows the point PB makes with Darrow about the randomness and unpredictability of war and that it serves as another cause of guilt to Lysander but still felt like him being hacked apart in a 1v2 ambush against Victra and Thraxa was disappointing. I would have liked to see him die either in a duel against someone like Darrow or something like protecting Lysander from Atalantia/Atlas.

Glirastes: Nothing much to say about his death. Just typical Lysander being a worm and murdering his “friends” when they cease to have use to him.

Volsung Fá: Absolutely loved his duel with Darrow, definitely a highlight of the book and one of my new favorite scenes in the series. However, I would’ve liked to see some Darrow hype in the perspectives of Lyria since she’s never seen the Reaper fight (and nobody had seen the Breath of Stone) so having the whole fight in Darrow’s POV was a bit disappointing. About Volsung’s death: I felt that it was great having Volga learn the truth about him and taking out his heart but honestly I was a bit disappointed when Fá turned out to be yet another skilled fighter on the Society’s side. Like c’mon man they already had (past tense) Diomedes, Ajax, and Apple.

All we got is Darrow, Sevro (who hasn’t gotten a big fight/kill in a while), Cassius, and Thraxa (honestly I don’t feel like she’s done that much excluding killing Ajax with Victra). I might be forgetting some other heavy hitters but since Alexander was killed, Kavax is old and his sons are dead, and the Howlers are nonexistent at this point except for Screwface, the Republic is lacking in powerhouses. Virginia’s best Lionguards were getting shitted on by the Praetorians and Apple and needed Valdir to save them.

Rhone and XIII Praetorians: Also didn’t appreciate how underwhelming their deaths were. How the absolute hell were the supposed best Grays ever who had like 40986583 years of war experience caught off guard and wiped out by a little maggot? I get that they were caught off guard but still they should’ve been more careful around Lysander after they openly betrayed him. Rhone definitely should’ve been able to kill Lysander but unfortunately he’s not Gold and he doesn’t have plot armor.

Atlas: Died a good death, unfortunately Lysander blew off his head and stole Cassius’s kill. Small thing I didn’t like was that I felt like someone with his expertise and intelligence should not be getting fooled by Lysander and getting caught in a straight fight. Atlas’s danger wasn’t mainly in his fighting abilities but his strategy and planning, so it was a bit offputting that he got caught with his pants down by Lysander and Cassius. Definitely props to Cassius for putting down the Reaper and Goblin’s biggest fear though.

Small thing I thought but probably has no significance: Cassius was just appointed the Morning Knight and he killed the Fear Knight. Morning ties in with Light and Fear ties in with Darkness. So maybe Light Bringer was a play on words for Cassius instead of Lysander? Maybe I’m not cooking and this has no meaning but just thought it was interesting that he was appointed Morning Knight again.

Cassius: A good man in the end and brother to Darrow. Didn’t much like that Lysander did it but I understand the reasons why and why he had to rush Lysander at the end. Sad that he’s gone, he was one of the characters I thought of as the faces of the series alongside Darrow, Virginia, and Sevro.

Dido/Helios: Got absolutely obliterated/molested by Atlas. Which adds on to my previous point about how Atlas got surprised by Lysander and Cassius when he’s a strategical genius capable of destroying the whole Rim fleet. The only character of substance left in the Rim is Diomedes now (one of my new fav characters).

TLDR; Ajax, Atlas, and Rhone’s deaths were a bit underwhelming. Volsung’s and Cassius’s were good. I need Red God so I can enjoy Lysander burning.