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The original was posted on /r/redrising by /u/samosa_chai on 2023-08-09 19:48:18.

The man who killed fear

Born to gold and wrought with chains, With pride, flowed love, in his veins. The eagle flew, oh how he slew, Come life, come death, his honour remains. His father’s son, his mother’s spear; Hark the tale of the man who killed fear.

Ground to dust, he touched the skies. Enraged by loss and unsaid lies. Darkness soaked, his morning cloak; Betrayers unmasked, the knight decries. Saved by friends, he sought to shear; Hark the tale of the man who killed fear.

He roamed the heavens, alone, exiled. A shepherd false, he thought to guide. In the darkest age, he brought his blade, He came to stand by Reaper’s side. His spark of life spreads joy and cheer; Hark the tale of the man who killed fear.

God-killer again and no longer alone, A Teacher imbuing breath to stone. For a howler he bled, when fear he felled, Even in death a smile that shone. Spread this tale far and near, Hark the tale of the man who killed fear

A Morning Knight, with such light to give Lessons he teaches, to love and forgive, The brightest he shines, in the hearts and minds Of a twin named Julian… A pilot named Pytha… A goblin named Sevro… His love named Aurae… A friend named Lyria… A Sovereign named Virginia… A brother named Darrow… Rejoice the life he never got to live Remember Cassius Bellona with a joyful tear Hark the tale of the man who killed fear.