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The original was posted on /r/newzealand by /u/Ok-Plan9795 on 2023-08-25 08:29:13.

I need help. I’ve struggled with PPD since my eldest (now 4) was born. Also have a 2 year old. I’m off work due to ACC mental injury. ACC have accepted my claim but want yet another assessment to see if I qualify for income payments -which could be months away and I’ve already been off work for months. I’m ineligible for WINZ help as husband earns too much. I took the kids out of daycare when I stopped working as couldn’t afford it anymore and have them at kindy for free 20 hrs a week but the hours aren’t all at the same time, I get about 10 child free hours per week. I work about that much from home in some work I managed to find but it’s not well paid compared to my prior job and all the income from it goes to paying off IRD as I couldn’t pay my tax bill or student loan bill after stopping work (was self employed). I do all the housework, all the house admin, all the childcare and I’m completely losing my mind-which wasn’t in a good place to start with hence I’m off work. I can’t get psychotherapy at the moment as even though ACC is meant to fund it they say they can’t find anyone to do it. The kids are so destructive and I’m losing my mind. I’ve considered running away and just leaving them with my husband. Other than that option is there any way to get a break? My parents will occasionally take them overnight (they still don’t sleep well so at least I catch up sleep those nights). Has anyone got any ideas of how I can get some respite? Or does anyone know how to get a mental injury work capacity assessment out of ACC faster? They can’t even tell me how long it will take. I have a lawyer/advocate who has helped a bit but he says since there’s such a shortage of psychiatrists there’s nothing much he can do to speed them up. The ironic part of it all was ACC tried to send my unpaid invoice to Baycorp as I was struggling to pay it-how can they consciously charge me for a service they are refusing to provide?!? Sorry for the rant I’m at the end of my rope here. Yes have tried crisis line they don’t help at all.