I know a lot of people dismiss this thing as only being useful for RaspberryPi IOT automation, but I’ve been using this for a year or two now on my own personal server and I’m surprised how flexible and performant it is.
It’s more than just a prototyping tool, and it has a lot of integrations designed by the community. For instance, within a couple weeks of ChatGPT being announced, there were already flows created to automate integration. https://flows.nodered.org/
I’ve been thinking about introducing this tool to my work as a replacement for some of the older and less-used APIs we maintain. Have you had any experience with Node-Red? Would you like to check it out? I can help you set it up if you want too, it’s fun learning about this tool and what’s possible with it.
Damn, that’s impressive. You’ve got me beat there for sure!