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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 3rd, 2023


  • Is a functional government based on logic and compassion too much to ask/too cliché?

    Renters rights legislation with enough teeth to make present and perspective landlords, both corporate and individual, think twice before not taking care of a property as though they lived there? (Yes, there are stories behind this one)

    I guess a company that actually pays me what I’m worth (which I’m not even really looking for that much).

  • The issue is the “your” imagination part. That is a huge limiting factor. Just because you can create a facsimile of something that functions does not mean you can derive hereto unimagined variations of them. You are assuming that the simulation bends to your will and reshapes itself to make what you want to be a reality, which is not in the prompt. Actually, the prompt quite specifically says that physics and biology remain unchanged by your attempts, so there is no just making shit up, it still has to adhere to the laws of nature and physics. Try to make a dinosaur now and it would suffocate in minutes because the O2 levels now are much lower than when they were alive. Attempt to make a cell phone that exceeds the fundamental quantum limits and it will burn out in an instant, or form a microscale black hole and destroy itself, jury is out on that one.

  • So her ruling until 1901 counts as reigning “into the 1900s”? Interesting. Also, the practice persisted in varying degrees of comonality into the early 1950’s when it finally died as it should have.

    Also, this is a very strange hill to die on. It really seems like you are more concerned with a satirical statement made in jest utilizing a historical context than you are the very real threat that this woman poses to the rights of our fellow citizens. She isn’t going to see this conversation, she will never know of my rudeness, she will never know nor care of my, or your, or anyone else here’s opinions of her or her policies. You fight a battle on behalf of a woman who would likely use your body as a bridge to cross a puddle you were drowning in rather than help you to stand, then blame you for there being a corpse in the road. I’ll even admit that that was ad hominem, but in this case I don’t really care. You obviously don’t care about making valid good faith arguments, so why should I? See, reciprocal social contracts in action.