Adramis [he/him]

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 27th, 2023


  • It makes me kind of sad to see so many people happy that the accent is going away. It’s good to have diversity, and the thought of my “native” accent becoming extinct makes me sad. I don’t want bad people to have a claim to an entire accent and culture, especially since the death of the accent won’t do anything about the bad takes. There’s a lot that good about southern culture - taking things slow, being laid-back in a world that wants you to run around like a chicken with your head cut off, and forming tight communities with the people around you. I just wish there was a way to reclaim that without feeling afraid that people would assume I support the bad parts, too.

  • Why would you use an accent when it actively gets you associated with idiots / racists / conservatives?

    There’s a lot of people who have been hurt by Southern culture, so naturally they reject that accent. A lot of decent people reject the accent because they don’t want people to assume they’re one of those Southerners. There’s also the aspect that you end up talking to people outside your region a lot more often than in the old days, so you learn to switch it off because people outside your region might not understand you well.

  • Are these actual “major health issues”, or is this standard level anxiety/depression? The article doesn’t really clarify, and I get the feeling that’s on purpose.

    “There are people out there who I think are trying to play both sides of the game,” said Jerome Limoge, an aviation medical examiner in Colorado Springs who gives physicals to hundreds of pilots a year. “They’re being encouraged by VA to claim everything. Some of it is almost stolen valor.”

    If they get put through the meat grinder that is the US military complex, maybe they should be able to claim the benefits they deserve. This is just veteran-flavored welfare queen rhetoric. And it’s not like VA benefits are worth shit anyway…

    There’s a line to walk between preventing tragedies like Germanwings Flight 9525 and putting undue stress on pilots. This both puts undue stress on pilots and ironically makes a similar disaster more likely. Bringing the hammer down on people with mental health problems doesn’t make them go away, it just makes people go undiagnosed and untreated.