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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 8th, 2023

  • I’m Italian. School explains all there is to know about sex and stuff, so I never needed the “talk” with my parents. I also had a bigger brother that would tell me everything way before the time lol

    About drugs, I think I already got everything from TV? I certainly didn’t need my parents explaining to me that drugs are bad.

    EDIT: For those curious about how/when SexEd is taught in school in Italy: I had SexEd in my 5th year of elementary school (10yo), 3rd year of middle school (13 yo) and again in high school (I think it was the second year, so 15 yo, and then in my fourth year as well, when I was 17 yo). My parents were required to consent to the school teaching us SexEd only in elementary school; no consent form was required from middle school onwards, it was mandatory.

    And I think that drugs were discussed in school as well. I think in middle and high school, around the same time as SexEd.

  • For fuck’s sake, y’all should stop this “enlightened centrist” bullshit whenever someone is slightly critical of the leftist candidate.

    Trump sucks. It’s incredible that he’s even allowed to be a candidate for presidency after the shit he’s done. He’s dangerous for the US and dangerous for the democracy of the entire world. If there’s some justice left in the US system, he will lose the elections and he will pay for his crimes.

    Not liking Harris’ speech doesn’t make me an “enlightened centrist”. It just means that I don’t think her words were strong enough, or bold enough, to win her new voters, which should be the point of the presidential debate. I think she won because Trump’s ineptitude will bleed him some voters, but I’m not willing to credit that to Harris’ speech skills.

  • Did she? I listened to the debate and she sounded mid for most of it. She spent more time attacking Trump than she did answering the questions she was asked.

    Sure, she fared better than her predecessor, but “not shitting her pants” is a low bar. Trump was definitely worse than her, but again, if the bar is “don’t act butthurt when your opponent says your rallies are boring”, then congrats, I guess.

    Reading comments from both sides, it seems that the left sees her not being geriatric as a win; and the right thinks that Trump was unjustly treated (targeted questions, live fact-checking, etc…), which is absurd considering that (a) they also asked Harris difficult questions (fracking and Israel, for example, which she did have a hard time answering), and (b) he was given free reign to talk out of order more times than I can count.

    I think Harris “won” because Trump sucked. He sidestepped questions regarding an abortion ban (“I haven’t talked with JD about it” fucking lol) and Ukraine (“Do you want Ukraine to win the war?” “I want the war stopped” TWICE in a row, followed by “I know Putin really well” and a rant about the awesomeness of Victor Orban); he repeatedly told lies (post-birth abortion and pets-eating immigrants being the highlight) which were promptly caught by the live fact-checker, and even showed weakness and undecisiveness (“do you have a plan?” “I have concepts of a plan”).

    But those are blunders that Trump committed, not something that Harris should take credit for. Nothing I heard screamed of “masterclass” debate, and I doubt that it will give her an edge in the upcoming elections or sway electors one way or the other. After all, the people who lived under four years of Trump’s presidency and watched January 6th unfold live, and still call themselves “undecided” are pretty much lying to themselves at this point.

  • Never heard of it, but it sounds like it was a great place. Sad to see it fail against established giants of the internet. I would’ve been interested in trying it out before the end.

    I think this is a problem that multiple small realities like this (including Lemmy) are facing. There are people interested in them, but they don’t know them, so they can’t join.

  • Respectfully, I believe this incident serves more as a learning opportunity for the admin team rather than a reason to amend the rules.

    This isn’t the first time I’ve observed Rooki acting inappropriately for an admin of a community. As an admin of a (admittedly much smaller) corner of the internet, I’ve learned to interact with users in a way that is polite and ensures they feel safe and heard. This is at least the second instance where I’ve seen Rooki respond emotionally and rather adversarially towards users, which has, in my view, undermined their credibility, to the point that I hope to avoid future interactions with them.

    I understand that managing LW, one of the largest and general-purpose instances, especially with Lemmy’s still rather limited moderation tools, is challenging, and I appreciate the hard work all of you, including Rooki, put into maintaining it and making it run as smoothly as it does. I’m NOT asking for their removal; however, considering that this is not the first time I’ve seen Rooki behave uncivilly and antagonistically towards users, I hope that this will be a formative experience for them.

    (Edit for clarity)

  • It’s not just about losing history, but also mixing it with incorrect/wrong retellings of the story and fake news.

    For example, you mentioned Homer, the writer of the Iliad and Odyssey who lived 3000 years ago. Homer’s existence is hotly debated, and even if he did exist, “he” probably didn’t write both poems. It’s far more likely that the Iliad and Odyssey were created as part of an extensive oral tradition by multiple travelling bards, who independently added, changed or removed verses; the story we know today as the Iliad is just one of many who happened to survive for a variety of reasons.

    We also know very little of the broader trojan cycle (Cypria, Little Iliad, Sack of Troy, etc…) of which only fragments have survived. It would be as if, 1000 years from now, only the original SW trilogy survived, and only pieces or fragments of the other movies/TV series in the expanded universe remained - And to be fair, even this example is wrong, because it compares the Iliad/Odyssey to the “original” trilogy, but there’s no consensus about the relationship of the two Homeric epics with the broader epic cycle: as far as we know, they could have been created independently, and later edited to flow from one to the other seamlessly.

  • Dude, no one here is shocked or angry. There are just normal people calmly discussing ways to bypass yet another attempt from Google to stop AdBlockers. If anything, you’re the guy who spent the entire day yesterday screeching at people in another thread who don’t want to pay for YT Premium, and is still doing the same thing now, in a community dedicated to piracy no less. You just deleted the vast majority of your comments because you were too embarrassed when people called you out for licking the boots of a trillion-dollars corporation and being angry at other people who don’t want to follow your example.

    Go touch some grass, it’s free (just like YouTube!).

  • I’m confused about what you’re trying to say, because none of those are YT alternatives.

    TikTok is centered on short videos. Twitch is a platform for streamers, mainly for video game content creators. Curiosity Stream is a platform hosting professional documentaries and science shows, it’s great but it has nothing to do with the amateurish nature of YT content.

    All of those cater to a specific niche of YT (YT shorts, video game let’s play, and science channels, respectively), but there’s a huge chunk of content that doesn’t appear on any of those services, but is present and thriving on YT.

  • Your argument falls flat the moment you realize an alternative to YT doesn’t exist because all these bit corporations have spent years either starving off or buying the competition, and they are now happily enjoying the monopoly they have created.

    I don’t expect Google to ever cater to me, and I fully expect them to keep their war going against AdBlock. It’s their job to make more money, after all. But the point is, it’s their job, not mine. I’ll keep doing what I think I rightfully deserve, which is, watch a few videos without the hassle of ads provided by the big corporation that has taken my data without my consent, sold it to the highest bidder, and made a fuckload of money off it.

  • I’m not a freeloader because Google is already making a profit off me by profiling me. They are just being greedy and asking for more. If you are happy donating your hard-earned money to the trillion-dollars corporation that’s exploiting you, good for you. I am a sane individual and I’d rather put that money to good use. In fact, by donating to the WWF, I’m spending less money yearly than a YT premium subscriber, and I’m making someone happy that deserves it more than Google’s sleazy investors.

  • Google is already making millions by profiling its users and stealing their data. All these YT changes are not caused by them losing money, but by them not growing enough to please their (multi-millionaires) investors.

    (1) I’m not shedding any tears for a corporation that’s big enough to have more money that I’ll ever see in ten lifetimes.

    (2) I’m not paying for a “Premium” experience to allow them to keep profiling me (and thus gain more money). They are already gaining money off me, they don’t need my premium subscription.

    (3) You should stop arguing in favour of exploitative big corporations that don’t even know you and are probably actively exploiting you in this very moment.

  • Same for me. I browsed Reddit exclusively for a bunch of small but active communities about books and niche games or shows. Most of those either don’t have a place on Lemmy, or the place they have is a ghost town. Too little posts, and even fewer engagement. I frequently see posts with upvotes in the single digits and zero comments.

    I don’t plan on going back to Reddit, but at the same time I don’t think that Lemmy is a valid substitute yet. Maybe it’s also a problem of discoverability? Like, I heard of Lemmy during the APIcalypse, but I’ve never seen it mentioned anywhere else, and I don’t know how a normal person looking for a community online is supposed to find Lemmy, or even learn the existence of it.

  • I live in Italy. Most of our cities are at least one millennia older than yours. I live in a small town in the middle of nowhere and it’s still a few centuries older than the USA as a whole.

    Our cities were definitely not designed with public transit in mind, yet we have a somewhat consistent public transit everywhere (although it could definitely be improved in lots of places, including my town). For example: excluding a small car trip to the nearest train station, I travel to my work place (in Milan) exclusively with public transport.

    Why can’t US cities do the same?