• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023

  • Every plant is poisonous. Humans are basically the only mammal that eats capsaicin, caffeine, menthol. Grapes are toxic for everything except a few things. Plants don’t have the ability to pull out a gun to defend itself and so it uses poison, or irritants like thorns. This isn’t limited to pants with animals. Plants are also toxic to other plants. The example that I deal with the most is black walnut. I tried growing plants and when I used the walnut leaves for mulch it would kill the plants I tried growing.

  • It’s been two people bud. Other guy took over for me and I don’t see a need to repeat the information, he did a better job than what I would’ve done.

    Your statement is correct in he became popular because of his voice on C-16.

    Listen I don’t care to spell out every detail on why his statements ARE harassment. I don’t feel like you care to listen. That’s fine, no one expects you to be superman. It’s okay to not be right sometimes. You don’t have to change, you’ll just be left behind. Good luck gamer.

  • He isn’t just wrong. That isn’t strong enough.

    He is layers of wrong. He is wrong on his conclusions and facts. If all you’re doing is defending his (wrong) conclusions off of his “facts” it would take millennia to explain why he’s wrong.

    Enough of his “facts” are wrong that anyone serious shouldn’t take him seriously.

    He is as serious as a 2015 BuzzFeed listicle.

    You seem young. Find a hobby that takes you out of your house.

  • Of course it’s where Dems will most oppose anyone you like. After primaries it’s Dems versus Republicans. It’s wild you’d think it would be different.

    Gloat would imply I’m happy about the current arrangement. There was a scientist in antarctica who had to perform surgery on himself. Do you think he was gloating before the surgery finished? No, the political environment sucks right now. I want it changed, because if it keeps trending the way it does right now, I’ll be killed. Doing nothing isn’t a solution to my problems.

  • believes Wi-Fi is bad for health.
    Wants to starve people and drive up food prices because she doesn’t understand what GMO means, or doesn’t care to clarify.
    Green party endorses fracking?
    Suspect stance on Ukraine
    Suspect stance on vaccines

    I’m not saying biden has a better aggregate stance. I am saying you have a chance in a liberal government. But you don’t in a conservative one.

    You’re spinning your wheels, and you’re going to go nowhere. Making people only pay attention to president is one of the best psyops


    (no evidence, it’s just funnier to believe)
    ::: that the Dems made so people like you vote so they stay in power.

    I seriously thought you had a local candidate who was going to push for that. There have been several local elections where they had ran on and implemented something besides first past the post system.

    If you want change in a system this big there are only 2 routes. Slow and voting local so your party gains steam, or violence. I’m not going to advocate for violence.

    What do you think the outcome of voting for her is going to be.