I'm back on my BS 🤪

I’m back on my bullshit.

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 month ago
Cake day: May 28th, 2024

  • I think most female to male abuse comes in the form of emotional coercion. So, something like, if the guy doesn’t have sex with her how she wants, there will be consequences. Sometimes they’re explicit, such as when she actually says it openly. Other times, she communicates it implicitly for plausible deniability. For example, every time a guy is not interested in the moment, she does something that hurts him soon after. This could be from throwing a fit about some regular chore, to shaming them to their friends, to actively seeking attention from or cheating with other men.

    I knew a girl that would tell everyone she was being abused before her boyfriend even knew it was happening. She would ask everyone to not say anything because she was scared he would abuse her more. She would also do things to make him angry in public so people would think he had an anger problem. People would start treating the boyfriend like shit, so he would start being isolated, which allowed her to abuse him more. If the boyfriend came out seeking help, no one would believe him and gaslight him further. The girl even went as far as telling relationship therapists that he was abusing her so that he had no escape while she now how documentation that he was abusing her. The girl was a completely deranged psychopath that did this with all her boyfriends. Of course, her friends were similar. One of her friend’s boyfriends committed suicide after they had an argument. The girl then milked that for pity points every chance she got.

    I really advise everyone to learn about relationship abuse and vulnerable narcissists. They’re incredibly sneaky and brutally perverse, and anyone can fall for one. It takes a while for even trained relationship abuse therapists to catch on to them. Look it up on YouTube. There are many therapists and survivors that share their stories and guidance.

  • I remember hearing that American service members are by far the best fed of all countries since WWII.

    Along with resource richness, I think it’s important to note how USA’s geography also makes it extraordinarily safe from invasion. It is flanked by two oceans with die hard allies as neighbors to the North and South. Anyone that wants to invade USA would have to make an impossible amphibious landing or super-blitz through Canada or Mexico. Both of those options are nearly impossible. The entire world vs North America might not even he able to pull that off. Then, once the invaders get to the continental USA, they would have to deal the most possibly armed insurgency due to the culture’s obsession with firearms. So, the only way the USA could be militarily taken over is by near complete destruction of its population via long-range missiles. This disregards the USA’s vastly superior military power. The USA has more aircraft carriers than the next 7 countries combined and each one is technologically superior as well.

    With that in mind, the USA didn’t have to direct considerable economic efforts to protecting its homeland, while knowing that it’s economic production would go mostly unharmed. In contrast, the Soviet’s were scorching their own production centers just so the enemy wouldn’t acquire them.

    Additionally, the USA has the most expansive freight rail system and the Mississippi River allows for easy and efficient shipping of resources, especially from the food production area (eg the Bread Basket). So not only can the USA produce lots of food without having to worry much about protecting that, but it can also easily transport the food to other locations efficiently. When it comes to food and defense, the USA is overpowered af.

  • I think it’s so odd that we base the legal binding provided by marriage on sex. Like, why is it assumed that we have to be sexual and/or romantic? Why can’t it just be someone I find responsible and reliable? What does the government care the sex and romantic status of whomever I pick for that?? It’s not like they’re asking us how often we go on dates, have sex, or say, “I love you,” to each other. We file taxes together, purchase family plans from businesses, make medical decisions when the other is incapacitated, and inherit assets. None of that is related in anyway to sex and romance. It’s just so bizarre to me than the government would care at all.

  • I like Lemmy especially because it has not gone mainstream. I was already disliking Reddit around 2016/7 and tried to find alternatives, but nothing was good enough for me. Around 2018/9, the porn subs got pretty popular, then WallStreetBets. That brought on a massive amount of users, and the Reddit I joined in 2011 was definitely gone.

    It used to be interesting, unique, and respectful.It became repetitive, predictably standard, and rude. Many subs function as low-key advertising or propaganda without users awareness. It was a hive mind. I was wanting to leave, and luckily the API fiasco happened so that I was able to find a new place.

    I like it small like it is now. Users feel more familiar. Also, I love the idea of instances. If one instance has a shitty community on a topic you like, then find a community on a different instance. There’s none of that BS where mods control an entire topic. Maybe there are a lot of topics that aren’t popular here, so that sucks. Still, it’s no worse than reddit with 1+ million people all saying the same crap I don’t vibe with on a topic.

  • I think the whole issue is stuck on our inability to define consciousness. I think that it lies on a spectrum like everything else that has to do with the mind, so we need to maybe operationalize it somehow. Maybe make up a units of consciousness for variables on the spectrum: perception, working memory, planning, execution, etc. Would it be nodes like respective neurons?

    I think it’s interesting that we all know what we’re referring to when we communicate about consciousness, but we can’t define it. It’s one of those fundamental concepts like energy in physics or pleasure in psychology. Like, define energy: energy is something. Define pleasure: it feels good? Is consciousness the thing experiencing things? Or is consciousness the experience itself, and our human brains aren’t capable of defining it because we’re stuck with limited dimensions, like trying to imagine a 4th spatial dimension? Is there a higher level of consciousness that emerges from our collective individual consciousnesses? HELP 🤯