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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 15th, 2023


  • And so people say we gotta tighten our belts and work just a little harder. Like in the good old days. We don’t want any handouts, do we? Do it for our country.

    I literally saw someone quote JFKs “ask not what your country can do for you” yesterday, opposing a raise of social security payouts here in Germany. A raise that was necessitated by the galloping inflation which is hitting poor families the hardest. Coupled with an unwillingness of corporate management to adequately pay their workers, i.e. pay the very people who are making stock indices rise to record heights.

    People are stupid. Mark my words, we will have a fascist government again soon. Because it’s all the brown people’s fault, so they say. And the queers and the trannies and the intellectuals, so they must all be purged.

    Never again, we used to say here. Well, we’re almost there.