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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 23rd, 2023


  • Why do conservatives insist on being evil pieces of shit? Why do they work so hard to cause harm to innocent, vulnerable people who were just minding their own goddamned business?

    Conservatives are consistently incapable of empathy, unable to engage in any interaction in good faith, and seem incapable of the most basic human decency. I cannot see any reason they should be permitted to continue to endanger humanity. Yet, here we are. Tolerating the existence of those who are working as hard as they can to kill and oppress everyone around them. They don’t hide it. They celebrate it.

    Nothing good in all of human history has ever come from conservatism, yet we continue to politely pretend it is in some way a legitimate political position. It is not. It is not normal to be a conservative. It is simply an excuse to justify causing harm to others. That is the only purpose of identifying as a conservative; false legitimacy for one’s inability to be a decent human.

    There is no place in a modern culture for harmful, hate-based ideologies like conservatism. It should be rejected outright wherever it is seen. Conservatives should not be tolerated any more than any other hate group. It is unethical to do business or keep relationships with such trash.

  • Throughout all of human history, the only treatment for a plague of conservatism has been direct violence. Pacifism has never cured conservatism.

    It’s unfortunate that the normal people must walk on egg-shells when discussing the cure for a disease while the diseaae itself publicly calls for extermination of the normal people. If the normal people are to survive this, we must prepare and train together. That means discussing this issue and how to solve it. Unfortunately, there has never been a peaceful solution to this problem. Violence has always been required.

    If you have an alternative treatment for this disease, please feel free to share it. Otherwise, why insult those of us who are willing and able to address this problem?