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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Are you looking for an answer to a question, or are you looking for a debate?

    At any rate, reducing the utility of an item to what it’s “lowest performance” should be to lower it’s ability to harm for non-intended uses is asinine. Who sets the limits? Does a knife need to be razor sharp? I can cut a lot of things with a dull knife and some time. It would pose less danger to you if all knives I had access to were purposefully dull. To prevent me from procuring an overly sharp knife, make the material strong enough to cut foods, but brittle enough to not be one overly sharp. Knives, after all, we’re made to stab, cut, and dissect a wide arrange of materials, flesh included. This specific design poses limitless danger to you, and needs to be considered when manufacturing these tools.

    Guns are not majorly sold specifically to kill people, in the grand scheme of things. Hunting is probably the largest vector of volume gun sales in the US. How do you design a weapon that can be useful for hunting, but ineffective at killing a human? They all possess the innate ability to do so, but so does even the smallest pocket knife or kitchen knife.

    I’m also a big gun control advocate, so I’m not defending anything I like. The failings of US gun control are squarely on the idea that everyone should possess a gun until they prove they shouldnt; it’s reactive policy. Active gun control would limit who can possess a gun from the start to those that will only use it for “appropriate” reasons.

  • That’s all well and good, but any kind of non-involvement only pushes us deeper into that system. One side sucks and cares about general human rights, the other side doesn’t. One side attempted a coup, the other is largely pretty pissed about it. And unless something happens overnight that hasn’t happened in the modern US, the winner is going to be D or R. One side will get us closer to bring able to get a better system, the other side would gladly make up election results and stay in power indefinitely a la Putin.

  • When Manchin goes, he isn’t getting replaced by a more left Dem. He is as left as the state is gonna go for some time. Trump had ~70% of the vote; even the most liberal county, Monongalia, still broke for Trump, and that’s where WVU is.

    Anyone who thinks the citizens here will vote for another Dem are delusional. He’s staying in power because he was already there, simple as. He was an agreeable Dem because he would talk about coal lovingly and bitch about things people wanted him to bitch about. If/when he swaps to R, he’s going further right or the people here will vote a better conservative in.

  • Not to mention this wouldn’t be nearly as hard of an about face if they didn’t make it a primary characteristic of their persona. It’s why they get pissy when we say “prosecute Biden if he did anything wrong”. We don’t have the same level of blind fealty to the guy we voted for. He was just the best option we had. Meanwhile, if they can’t/don’t get to vote for Trump, then it is clearly a condemnation of the voting system that has worked for decades because they can’t “lose” to liberals, they’re weak and gay.

    It’s astounding the lengths people go to for that fuckin cheeto…

  • That only accounts for physician labor, not other labor involved. Nurses, administrators, other operational labor that isn’t a Dr.

    But the point of contention was Dr salary, not overall labor costs with healthcare, so it shouldn’t necessarily be relevant to this particular conversation. I’m sure there are plenty of people who also take issue with the legion of administrators insurance companies pay to handle visits and services, as well as the number of people hospitals pay to try to claw money out of them as well. They provide nothing to the healthcare service, and exist only to try to keep/gain as much funding as possible. You don’t have less cancer because Tom at BCBS was able to deny the Tylenol they gave you two months ago.