Foul-mouthed bisexual enby punk

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • I worked with a small media company like this. They’d constantly throw new tasks and duties at you like candy with no plan, no resources, and unwritten and unsaid expectations you’d somehow make it all work while they sat back and raked in the cash. Burnout was inevitable, and it’d make them furious and vindictive with you when you dare to ask for less work or more pay or people to do the job.

    Enough is enough. If treating your employees like spare parts is what’s needed to succeed in a capitalist society, then not only do these companies deserve to die out for their inhumane treatment of workers, but the whole system needs to be upended.

  • My comment isn’t about the techniques they were using. It’s a social comment on an absurd argument some transphobes like to use against transfolk saying people digging up our skeletons won’t ever see us as our gender identity, but as our AGAB (assigned gender at birth). As if anyone gives a flying fuck what someone thousands of years in the future thinks about our remains.

    It was funny to me seeing this scenario pop up in the news, and the skeleton had been misgendered from the folks who initially examined the pelvis to determine the skeleton’s sex (reinforced afterwards with certain gendered assumptions around the objects found near it). It flips the table on the transphobe’s argument, showing how it isn’t quite as cut and dry as they’d like to believe.

  • I believe you misunderstood me. I didn’t suggest the owner of said skeleton was trans; rather, the pervasive transphobic comment suggesting archaeologists digging up our skeletons will see us ‘as we really are’, i.e. our AGAB, is a load of proverbial horseshit when we literally have a case here where scientists had difficulty determining the skeleton’s sex in the first place, by what they thought was a male pelvic bone. I simply like how reality isn’t quite as cut and dry as transphobes like to think, and thought it funny a news article flipping the table on their argument (as absurd as it is anyhow, because who gives a shit what other people think of their skeleton thousands of years from now).

  • Trans enby here waiting to see a specialist to get HRT. Not sure how dysphoria is for some, but mine is like a person kicking the back of your chair in a theatre on good days, and on bad ones it’s like that screaming sun from Rick and Morty, it won’t shut up. Before I came out to myself as trans, it was like a high-pitched whine in the background, not obvious, but causing a lot of mental harm and a severe feeling of disconnect to reality. It‘s mentally draining as fuck. Since coming out things have been better, but the dysphoria is still there and needs to be addressed.

    So yeah, I’m not surprised at all HRT helps trans folks. Looking forward to when I can get on it myself.