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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 1st, 2023

  • On the stream of the debate I was watching, when they took a break they showed clips from previous debates and the difference was kind of mind-blowing.

    I honestly kind of think that even a mid-level candidate who didn’t make it like Romney or Kerry probably could have mopped the floor with either one of them.

    Also as a side note, how lucky is Donald Trump? Just a whole life of being handed infinite money no matter how many times he fucked up a business, a bewildering assortment of crimes with essentially no hard consequences, and two presidential runs against pretty much the only two people he has any chance of beating in a debate.

    He’s had a life of almost non-stop softballs. It’s kind of wild really.

  • CrabAndBroom@lemmy.mltoAsklemmy@lemmy.mlDo you like America? Why or why not?
    6 hours ago

    Non-American here!

    I’ve visited America a bunch of times and I really like it as a place, they have amazing scenery pretty much everywhere you look, and just about every individual American I’ve met has been really nice.


    I’d never want to live there. Their healthcare system is insane (sorry Americans but it is) and politically as a nation they’re pretty bonkers. Guns, religion, general sort of global belligerence etc.

    Also as an aside, San Francisco is genuinely one of the strangest places I’ve ever been to. I dunno if I was just there at a weird time, but it seemed like every single person there was either a millionaire or homeless. Absolutely nothing in between.

  • I’m on my second Lenovo in a row, they seem to be really good for Linux. Actually the previous one did get a drink dumped on it too, and it didn’t phase it at all. The 5 key is a little sticky sometimes but otherwise works fine.

    I might be tempted to get a Framework for my next one though, if I can get the cash together for a 16.

  • Including George W. Bush’s grandad:

    Bush was a founder and one of seven directors (including W. Averell Harriman) of the Union Banking Corporation (holding a single share out of 4,000 as a director), an investment bank that operated as a clearing house for many assets and enterprises held by German steel magnate Fritz Thyssen, an early supporter and financier of the Nazi Party. In July 1942, the bank was suspected of holding gold on behalf of Nazi leaders. A subsequent government investigation disproved those allegations but confirmed the Thyssens’ control, and in October 1942 the United States seized the bank under the Trading with the Enemy Act and held the assets for the duration of World War II.

  • Mine was/is/will be:

    • Windows

    • Some ancient version of Corel Linux that came on a CD that was free with a magazine that I could never get to work properly

    • Some version of SUSE that I bought from a computer store impulsively, that also never worked properly

    • Ubuntu 6.something that finally worked!

    • Several more years of Ubuntu, gradually drifting over to Kubuntu/KDE Neon as I realised I liked KDE more than GNOME/Unity

    • Manjaro as an awkward transitional phase to becoming an Arch person

    • A split between full Arch (btw) for my laptop which is the tinkering machine that I’m allowed to break, and Pop!OS on the desktop, which is the one other people use that has to actually work all the time

    • The distant call of NixOS, which I’m currently fiddling with in a VM and is trying to tempt me into nuking my laptop once again.