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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 9th, 2023


  • If you could hire an able bodied person for $16/hr, and they can glaze 100 pieces of pottery a day, or you could hire a disabled person for the same pay who can only glaze 25 a day because of their disability, who are you going to hire? I’m talking about a local small business pottery shop who hires people to glaze the pieces.

    If a lazy but able-bodied person took the job and refused to meet the 100 pieces a day quota, they’d be fired, and rightfully so. So why are disabled people special? Why do they deserve a pay rate and a quota that an able-bodied person would be fired for? Or maybe you think that firing a lazy person is calling them “less than” and is unethical. Well, at least you’d be consistent.

    If you think a small business could survive hiring people who can only produce 1/4 of the normal output at a full wage… I don’t know what to say. It’s just not feasible.

    I’m sorry for the harsh truth, but sometimes in some ways some disabled people are “less than”. As in sometimes they can only do less work per hour as an able bodied person. A small business can’t survive while being charitable to disabled workers.

    These disability wage laws exist so businesses can legally hire disabled people and pay them something when otherwise they would have no job at all. In my state, the business has to prove they can’t produce the same work in the same time as an able-bodied person. And their wage has to reflect whatever percentage of the work they can do.

    I’m 100% in favor of government subsidies for making up the wage difference for disabled people, and not making any benefits dependant on having such a job. The job would be purely a choice for disabled people.

    I know it sounds weird in this day and age to say this, but having a job can be very rewarding. I can totally imagine a disabled person preferring to work a job at low pay, having a routine, and interacting with coworkers rather than staying home all day doing hobbies and watching TV.

  • Drink the Kool-aid instead and join Premium. It’s great. YouTube is my primary source of video entertainment. No ads on any device and countless thousands of hours of math and science videos, SNL clips, educational videos, game reviews, and on and on.

    For the cost of two beers a month, I get access to the best video library in the world with no ads, plus saved video progress so you can resume videos later, and YouTube Music to boot.

    Why everyone on Lemmy thinks everything in the world should be free when it costs money to run the servers and pay content creators is beyond me. Makes no sense.

  • It’s not, I assure you. It uses psychoacoustic properties of audio to simulate actual surround sound. I’ve been using it in gaming for years. You can literally hear when an enemy is behind you vs in front of you, and anywhere in the 360° around you. You can easily pinpoint their location in your head.

    Pixel Buds Pro have this same kind of programming and you can enable it when watching surround sound content on your phone. You can even have it play regular audio but make it sound like it’s coming from the direction of the phone. When you turn your head, the audio follows the phone and it sounds like the audio is coming from the phone in 3D, not just panned L or R in stereo. (I haven’t played with this much, and I hope I’m not misremembering that last part which iPhone also has.)

    Here’s a computer generated example using these techniques. Headphones are required! Listen to this with ordinary headphones with no additional spatial processing enabled.

    To my ears, it sounds like the 3 channels of the source audio are little spheres rotating around the top of my head like a halo. The music sounds distinctly different when it’s behind me or in front of me. The distance away from my head is not far, though.


    A technique like this will never be perfect, and this is not the best example I’ve heard. The best would be using my Logitech gaming headset in a game. It’s not perfect because everyone’s ears are shaped differently, and your brain learns the microtonal differences which your specific ears cause as sound echo’s around your outer ear and ear canal. This might be why I hear these music examples as above my head while others might hear it revolve directly around their ears or perhaps a little lower than their ears.

    I enjoy how ignorant people who don’t understand a technology dismiss is with snark and get upvoted by others. Wait, what’s the opposite of enjoy?

    It’s like how religious fundies with little education make fun of our best scientific theories with arguments that boil down to “I’m ignorant, so I don’t believe this”. Congratulations on being on the same level.