Hello, my name is Cris. :)

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023

  • Someone mentioned that it wasn’t being maintained anymore, but if I try void again I’ll have to take a look at that. Though its definitely not the same as a traditional app store interface like gnome software (flawed though it may be) where you can see the icon, screenshots, even reviews, and I would definitely really miss that functionality when browsing for something. And given I use gnome it may be hard to make it look at home on my desktop

  • Cris@lemmy.worldtoTechnology@lemmy.worldUS to impose tariffs on Chinese EVs next week
    2 months ago

    Allowing a country’s political party to position their industry in a monopolistic way is a bad idea. When one group controls an industry they much more easily exploit their consumers. Encouraging folks to buy ev’s in general is different from undercutting prices to create a dominant position in the market that can be exploited once you have no meaningful competitors

    That being said, we all know thats not why they’re doing it, they’re doing it to protect the interests of US auto makers, which also sucks

  • Cris@lemmy.worldtoFoodPorn@lemmy.worldEating meat kicks ass
    2 months ago

    Being hostile to folks who are different from you on the basis that they’re different from you is shitty behavior. Leave that kinda shit for Facebook

    You can make a life choice without going out of your way to antagonize folks who made a different one. You know, exactly like you’re bitching about people doing on your blog post.

  • I don’t think something like duckduckgo is gonna be the eventual contender to take on google. I think it’ll have to be an engine with its own index or some kind of lateral solution.

    Something like brave, kagi, qwant, or stract could maybe turn into something exciting with more momentum, but honestly I have a hard time seeing them be the kind of scrappy competitor with a new approach that unseats the old king who has lost their way in pursuit of more profit at the expense of product quality. None of them seem like they truly have a new approach, but only time will tell how that story plays out this time.

  • As much as I’d like that to be true, I’ve definitely still seen vegan spaces online that are intensely alienating and hostile 😅 when I was using reddit, often anything from r/vegan that hit r/all was pretty hostile to anyone who hadn’t already decided it was an important issue for them and made big lifestyle changes accordingly, adopting veganism.

    To be totally honest I’ve also never seen any beef industry propaganda encouraging people to hate vegans or resent veganism. If you can think of any examples off the top of your head I’d be curious to see them (if nothing comes to mind thats fine, I don’t intend that as a gotcha)

    I’m not vegan (grew up with an eating disorder, not in any position to cut stuff out of my diet or make eating more complicated/difficult, though I have a lot of respect for vegan ethics) but I am a big nerd about open source stuff and linux, and I’ve observed similar things in that space. I have a friend who’s averse to open source stuff because folks have evangelized to her aggressively and with the same sort of superiority complex many folks perceive vegans as having. I’m grateful she’s excited to listen to me talk about the stuff I’m excited about anyway these days, but I’m careful not to make her feel pressured to drop proprietary software she’s using for open alternatives because I want her to feel respected even though she’s not invested in this thing I care about a whole lot

    I think when you work hard to adopt a big change for reasons you’re proud of, it’s easy to view yourself as superior for having learned the thing, or made the dietary change