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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: May 19th, 2024


  • I wonder if Russia understands that the crazed Republican supporters they’ve cultivated to slightly favor Russia with this candidate (Trump) are just as likely (if not more) to be the same ones demanding Nuclear War with Russia next election season, or the one after it.

    That’s the problem with trying to inject chaos into the world’s current super power, it might roll over and crush you whilst chaotically flailing sometime later. That’s the nature of chaos.

    What you actually want is a friendly calm America, that lets you go about your own business. Not a chaotic America run by wildcards, sycophants, and morality free billionaires.

  • The billionaires behind the think tanks are doing better than ever, that’s the point of the think tanks. None of this is going away even if ut lulls. It’s a sustained effort.

    Tim Pool, David Rubin, Jordan Peterson, Ben Shapiro (whose daily wire was started with fracking money from Dan and Ferris wilks), Andy Gno, (whose post-millenial was started by an Israeli real estate billionaire)… They all made money, huge amounts of money. Tim Pool was making $400,000 an episode twice a month for years… And these are thevlow level defenders of the billionaire Libertarian think tanks.

    Trump officials probably made so much more.

    So it doesn’t really matter what happens, we can be sure efforts will not go away. Dwindle, but this is what they know how to do, and they’ve been handed massive wealth in the process… They’ll use that wealth to continue thier efforts.

    You can “not buy” that viewers would be that dumb (many are) but that’s not the point. The machine has been paid, the political apparatus to produce the far right media will continue in many different forms.

  • sorry for the wall of text — (Up to you whether you can be bothered reading it)

    No offense, but when you say you believe in talking sense to people, have you been specifically occupying their rightwing spaces and trying to talk sense into them for the past ten years?

    Most people haven’t, those who have in an ongoing/consistent way, will understand it’s not the community controlling the ideological messaging being posted repeatedly EVERY SINGLE DAY, the community is complicit in its brainwashing, but they’re not the majority stakeholders or main sources of the crypto-fascist extremist economic Libertarianism currently posing as conservativism and “Classical (free speech) British Liberalism”.

    Ergo, violence isn’t necessarily a constructive answer where you’d essentially be attacking people who are merely complicit in their own brainwashing (often self-indoctrinating for very personal and individual reasons) - leaving the question of: well what is the answer to these groups then?

    I don’t have a single answer or silver bullet, and it’s probably upon the genuine left to now layout many answers on the table, including violent revolution, and parallel governments of mutual aid, but also, extending to culturally corrective efforts (consistent generational brigading/infiltration)… and even all the way down to the solutions of the establishment left.

    But I think the big problem is that all of these can and will be folded back into the system. Incorporated. Worked back in, either by tyrants, profiteers, democrats, or PR agencies… So it becomes a question of - what parts of the system will proposed solutions necessarily extend, and will those extensions aid us to think outside the system, beyond it, beyond the current limitations of our own lives and societal limitations.

    I would say mutual aid, and parallel governments/services probably do this. The system’s responses to these tend to generate more rights, more service responsibilities, a better system, with more empathy.

    Violence is better in times of direct fascist/reactionary violence, this might be more appropriate if Trump’s fascism becomes violent again…

    …and cultural solutions beyond PR campaigns, they can be valuable but without solid education in far left discourses, around unionism, marxism, anarchism, mutual aid, black liberationism and civil rights, labor history, schools like the Frankfurt school, ect. then people end up as establishment leftists…

    …so it’s also important to figure out how to extend resistances there too (resistances towell meaning but moderate leftists drifting right into centrism or further)…

    But ultimately I figure it has to be about knowing how the system will react (and fold/co-opt answers presented into its self), and predicting how those reactions either extend problems or extend solutions/further possibilities…

    …with the goal being the liberation of as many people from the struggles of class oppression under capitalism, as possible.

    It’s not an easy task, nor can it easily be thought about. Anyways, that’s all I have.

    Sorry again for the length, thanks and congrats if you got this far.