Oh no, I never said that they are only separable by time but that one is the predecessor or root of the other and that religions can spawn new cults of their own.
It can’t only be time that transforms the one into the other, because otherwise we would have 100th of religions right now from all the sects and cults that have existed in the past.
Not if “believe” from the followers is some kind of cosmic energy that powers the gods or defines their hierarchy, a pandimensional twitter subscription counter of sorts. In that case the last thing you want is to prove your existence as a god, because as soon as your existence is proven all believe will pop out of existence and will be replaced with knowledge of the existence.
Believe is only possible when the thing to believe in is vague and unknowable, you can’t by definition ever believe in the existence of anything that you are sure of.
At least both Christianity and Islamic religions started as cults and became religions. Christianity was even a sect of people believing in the coming of the end times, that’s what the revelation in the new testament is for.
A sect or a cult is always the root of any new religion and often new sects or cults are the offspring of an older religion. Religion, cults and sects are as concepts interconnected.
And I use my filter bubble power just now and here I think. Have a nice rest of your life
I never said that they are a good thing, I say they are a natural occurrence, something that only can prevented by a very dystopian system.
Because people will always filter what they want to hear and consume, and with that create filter bubbles. If you went to church (regardless of the specific religion) you enter a filter bubble. If you talk with people on a rave you are in a completely different filter bubbles then in a country music bar. Filter bubbles are all around us and yes the Internet is, by its nature, a magnifying glass for this effect. But it inherent to the human nature not inherent to the Internet. So to prevent filter bubbles you would have to radically change the human nature.
I fear you misunderstood me. Fascist would be if choice would be forbidden, when everyone would have to always hear every side of every topic.
Even with newspapers and the like are filter bubbles possible. I am free to buy only the newspaper who writes the stories in the way I want to read them. There are left wing newspapers and right wing newspapers and stuff in between. And even with newspapers and broadcasts you are still free to only consume what you want to consume and block, by not buying or active ignoring, what you not want to see or hear. Things like cracker-barrel philosophy or Stammtischparolen where a thing long before the Internet.
Echo chambers are a normal part of being human, it exists in small (only between friends),huge (tribes/nations/cults/religions) and anything in between more or less as long as humans are able to communicate.
But those echo chambers are a normal result of human interaction, from the friends you choose, to the events and bars/clubs you frequent, to the magazines and papers/websites you read.
Echo chambers will naturally occur as long as people can choose who to follow or read or otherwise consume or connect with.
The only system to prevent this would be to always force every flavor of everything to anybody, removing every way to filter or freedom to choose who to follow and what to hear/consume. And that sounds very dystopian and fascist to my ears.
And with Gentoo you have to spin your own yarn before the knitting 😁
When I got into the company I was allowed to use Linux. But a few years ago the company was bought and merged with a much bigger company and the new IT policy made Windows mandatory.
It does! In every desktop that uses QT 😜
Well yes, yes they did. It is called Canoe and is for example running inside the SNES Classic Mini. And that is not the only emulator they wrote. Writing an emulator is not some obscure magic, and it is way easier if you own all the schematics and other Information used to build the original hardware.
I have a Postscript 3 compatible ipp network color laser printer for about 15 years now and it works without any issues with Linux, way better then it does from Windows. So I never understood way they say that printing is cumbersome with Linux.
Unfortunately many of the routers provided by ISPs I have seen where not configured that way by default. They only used NAT as firewall, so without configured port forwarding nothing could be reached with IPv4. But for IPv6: If you know the IPv6 for any system on the local network it is free available on all ports. It is the first thing I check when someone asks me to check their network or configure their internet, and only Fritz!Box have a sane default for IPv6 (but to be honest my other experiences are mostly with shitty Vodafone and german Telekom routers so it is a very limited set, and I really hope that most others are better.)
Yes, but exactly that was/is the issue of this bug. cups-browsed was attaching itself to every available IP on the system. And cups-browsed can’t only be bind to localhost, it would defeat the whole purpose of that tool. For it to be able to find other printers in the network it needs to be bound to a non-localhost-IP address. So, not much to sandbox
No port forwarding needed when the ISP provides a proper IPv6 subnet. Normal IPv6 router advertisement will then provide a public reachable address for every IPv6 capable device.
But with the size of IPv6 it makes searching for that not really easy, so it only a small attack vector.
I have cups (but not cups-browsed) installed, but I only start the service when I need to print something a few times a year. Until then it is only a binary sitting in a folder, nothing more.
I don’t know if I would like to have my personal data that I needed to print out on any system in a print shop. Printers and Copy machines in print shops often have internal HDD where the files are stored for caching reasons, often for months or even years (depending of the size of the HDD and how much the device is used) until some internal cleanup process deletes them.
Oh I see where this misunderstanding comes from. I am not IninewCrow, I just thing the general concept of this idea is interesting and gave it my own spin.
So he/she said the thing with the time, I said everything in the posts below it :D