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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2024


  • Why does it need to be equal to population?

    I’m not saying that all immigration is bad, but rather that above a certain level it gets difficult to integrate people. For european countries this is a much lower number than the US, since populations are much lower. At the same time, there are many more refugees than in the US.

    It’s a genuine challenge here in Vienna, for instance, at the moment because recent immigrants make up a large percentage of school kids, who often have few language skills, tend to be very religious, and have extremely conservative views on things like feminism and gay rights. Unfortunately, their views tend to self-reinforce rather than become milder over time due to being the majority view among their peers/in their school/community.

    You can’t really blame the kids, obviously they are just a product of the culture they grew up in, however you also can’t just ignore the issue. There isn’t any mechanism for preventing immigrants groups from clustering in specific areas (and I don’t think most people would be in favor of anything that draconian)

    In an ideal world, maybe there is a perfect solution, but the reality is that the current system is facing a huge challenge. Like it or not, this is directly tied to immigration rates.

  • The issue is though that “segregation between state and religion” is a cultural trait. It’s not something that every culture values, nor is it something that inevitably happens.

    In fact, it’s almost certainly a minority opinion on a global level. Particularly in (although not exclusive to) poorer non-western countries which tend to be much more conservative and religious.

    A small number of conservative immigrants won’t hugely impact views in the host country, but a sizable number (particularly if they are concentrated in certain areas) absolutely can.

  • Yeah that’s basically what I did too.

    I just installed dash to dock and made the icons quite large, then rebound a button on my air-mouse to the super key (to bring up the dash). I also installed Just Perfection and used it to hide the top bar unless the dash is open.

    90% of the time, I’m just using Firefox, so I don’t need anything too fancy.

  • Yup, this is just a replay of early 20th century. Inequality exploded and eventually you had revolutions virtually everywhere (in europe and the west, ar least).

    Some were extreme-left (communism)

    Some were extreme-right (facism)

    Some were far-left for the time (social-democratic, or “new deal” as it’s known in the US)

    Some were violent, some were relatively peaceful.

    But they were basically all inevitable, the people were frustrated and willing to support whatever platform promised something ‘different’.

    We’re at that point currently, but only the far-right is offering anything different, so even though it’s a terrible option, people will gravitate towards it. The solution is to offer genuine vision of change from the left.

  • I’m not sure it would be possible to change the culture any other way, since it’s so entrenched.

    The only restaurants I know of that were able to successfully transition to a less toxic business model for servers did so through a combination of paying servers a fair base wage ($20+ an hour) and banning tips.

    Culture is tricky in that it’s ‘sticky’ and often takes a lot of effort to change. Having a policy like ‘tipping not required’ would still lead to the vast majority of customers feeling obligated to tip because not tipping carries with it such a strong implication of being greedy/stingy.

    I should mention that this all mostly applies to the US and that there are plenty of countries with flourishing hospitality industries where tipping is virtually nonexistent (or even seen as insulting).

  • I mean, I’m saying that.

    To me I’ve never understood why sit-down restaurants should be looked at any differently to any other business. Why can’t the actual price just be listed on the menu?

    Like, if we’ve collectively decided that the actual price is 20% higher than what is listed, then let’s just treat this like every other profession and raise prices by 20%.

    Why are people taking orders and carrying food special? Other customer-facing positions generally don’t get tips. Chefs (who make the food!) generally don’t get tips.

    Just pay the waitstaff a fair wage and quit the tipping!