wa wa wa

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 12th, 2023


  • Same sentiment as all the posts constantly saying they hope places like texas secede or that we should just split the country in to two and give them all the red states.

    And then the cis/het person gets offended that you pointed out that their dumb not well thought out idea is actually harmful and say you are being hyperbolic…

    Tbh lately i am just so fuckin done with cis people… Im white and in the past when a black person would say they never really trust white people ever i did feel a bit of hurt but i get it now… its how i feel about cis/het people… i dont trust them, any of them…

  • Dyscalculia is a disability resulting in difficulty learning or comprehending arithmetic, such as difficulty in understanding numbers, learning how to manipulate numbers, performing mathematical calculations, and learning facts in mathematics. It is sometimes colloquially referred to as “math dyslexia”, though this analogy is misleading as they are distinct syndromes.[5]

    What does that have to do with deadnaming people? Don’t try to use a disability as a shield for shitty behavior.

    I assume I will still get banned for deadnaming even though I’m innocently adding clarity to a conversation.

    Yes because that’s still deadnaming, that information isn’t relevant and isn’t needed in context. It’s not necessary to dead name and misgender someone to talk about things they did before transition. It’s completely unnecessary, and in the context of your example you KNOW they don’t use that anymore so its actually worse.

    now I’ve committed a crime of which I had no knowledge.

    No you haven’t no one is going to get mad about simply not knowing a change has been made. Its when you KNOW what they prefer and yet you still deadname them.

    this blanket condemnation of deadnaming is just dumb. it requires nuance.

    No it doesn’t

  • I think the biggest flaw with Bernie is he turns into a cheerleader for the democratic nominee after he loses the primaries. He did it for Hillary and he does it with Biden. I understand he is doing it because he thinks trump would be worse, but at the same time it kinda hurts the progressive movement and messaging. It feels like we are giving up our progressive goals just to elect Biden, or else suffer an even worse option. It kills the enthusiasm when both the options suck and it feels inevitable that the one we actually want will lose or has lost already.

    Don’t get me wrong tho I love Bernie, but this is my biggest gripe with him.

  • I am also always immensely confused how gamers don’t see valve taking 30% of pc sales and not recognize that as greedy shit bag behavior.

    We all know when google or apple does it on their app store its bad, or when spotify pays artists pennies its bad, or when actors are striking because of its shady residuals payout from streaming its bad. But when king gaben does it, its fine perfectly ok. Even though game devs are some of the most overworked and underpaid workers in tech. And then people wonder why games suck lately.