Yes, but let me dream that someday enough competent people quit that his entire political apparatus simply crumbles.
On my redemption playthrough (send help)
Yes, but let me dream that someday enough competent people quit that his entire political apparatus simply crumbles.
Being a trump advisor sounds like the most stressful and unfulfilling job imaginable. They should probably quit.
Translation: “How dare you ask me this”
May I never become so contrarian that I reject my own ideas if the wrong people admire them.
I admit I was only thinking about the output of our largest firms. There’s room for that, and I could easily be persuaded that the strength and duration of IP law should be inversely proportional to the size of the IP holder itself. And especially whether it is held by the sole creator, or collectively by private interests. People should own what they personally made, as much as possible under the circumstances.
SFX cue: Wilhelm scream as I am slain by my bad opinion
Yeah nah, bad e.g. but I’m not convinced 5 years is too short.
Ergotamine set of puns there, amanita minute to catch up.
Knowing it and proving it to a judge, different ballgames entirely. Same ball, but it only gets hit in one of them.
Honestly with the current pace of cultural output we’re at, even 5 years feels generous. What was made in 2019 that still seems terribly relevant… Is there still a brisk trade in Frozen II merch I’m not aware of?
They should give the robot suction cup feet so it can walk on my-ceiling-um. Myceli- er, nevermind.
That wisdom cuts both ways, I was only making conversation and you’re … I’m not sure what, actually. Are you trying to make it a debate while doing no legwork of your own?
Why did you comment this instead of checking
What do young idiots use?
True. Being inconsiderate is not ADHD specific, fine to call it out
Charitably, could be an attention issue. I’ve had to start learning about ADHD as I’m basically the only one in my nuclear family without it, and a common thing is needing to be doing something while listening.
It is mildly infuriating at the best of times to have someone constantly fidget and squirm and not acknowledge you while you talk, but listening doesn’t always look like listening unfortunately.
Though, I haven’t heard of this specific thing while at a concert it’s not beyond imagining that it’s just a tactic to accommodate their own needs.
Rules: 1. Post only links to articles
Bad try
JD Vance has openly said so. It is their explicit aim.
It’s so. You can search this stuff, “animals who demonstrate sense of humor” etc.
Not really, all it requires is theory of mind, social norms, and the ability to anticipate outcomes. Plenty of animals exhibit comedic behavior patterns, but they all know we’re funnier.
They would prefer to sign patriarchy itself into law, but they’re not sure how.