It’s neither of those things. Words have meanings, and legal terms have very specific meanings.
It’s neither of those things. Words have meanings, and legal terms have very specific meanings.
Better mod tools and more quickly
A person is their experiences though, the meat shell on its own can’t ever become the person killed without experiencing life in the exact same way and at the same time as the previous one.
It’s a lost cause, I have to fight off the Soviet plant builders every time I leave the house. They’ll manage it eventually.
Plenty of outspoken state critics have had the CIA’s highest reward for investigative journalism administered cranially.
The more sophisticated the system, the more sophisticated your method must be to break it. Eventually the means to break it will grow out of the reach of guerilla movements
Old Zealand is in Denmark
The ol’ head in the sand approach
The units of time we use come from a bronze age civilisation that used base twelve instead of base ten. They’d count on their hands using the finger joints of one for single digits, and then the joints of the other for multiples.
Well, you’ve got to get rid of it some way, and while charity might systematically be a problem there are plenty that do genuine good.
If you have any decency, get rid of most of it, preferably to charities or political causes.
That sort of wealth in the hands of a single person is obscene, and spending it on luxury when there are people starving and homeless in the world is the height of immorality.
Foolish if the goal is to hold on to more money than you could ever need in ten lifetimes to pursue the goal of accumulating more from the work of others.
No, it’s more like doctor or engineer where it’s a protected profession that’s criminal to imitate.
The cost is just money in this case. It doesn’t use rare or unethically sourced materials (at least if you’re not a vegan), it advances the biological sciences as a whole and it’s something to do for bio grads that might generate a lot of value for society in the future.
We can, through collective effort, precipitate change away from or reverse negative change, and the first step to that is complaining about it.
Taiwan has been independent from the mainland since 1949. That’s 74 years. Were people in the US in 1850 ethnically British? Largely yes, and that’s with the US recieving massive migration from other countries, which Taiwan has not had.
The Taiwanese people speak Chinese, practice Chinese cultural traditions, call themselves the Republic of China many even to this day support reconciliation.
Not religious, but if it works it works. Clearly there is joy in faith for some people.
Plenty of models can do hands just fine
Iraq and Afghanistan had their militaries levelled in a matter of days. It’s the occupation that created problems