To the Democrats that called me a shill:

No amount of shills could possibly do as much damage to the Democrats as Biden is doing. Dems are not just shooing themselves in the foot this time. They’re shooting themselves in the head.

But sure, blame it on shills if it helps you cope.

  • 1 Post
Joined 20 days ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2024


  • I don’t care about Joe Biden’s age. I care about the fact that the Democrats are obviously lying to us.

    It took days for them to come up with the “jet lag” explanation (though they instantly said it was a cold), and he hasn’t travelled internationally for two weeks. Come on, they’re lying.

    For many people, I think the shock of Biden’s debate performance was less about the shock of Biden being feeble and more about the shock of realizing that the Democrats have been lying about his feebleness for so long

  • Setting aside November for a moment, shouldn’t we be having a discussion about whether Biden is fit to be president right now? It can’t be good for all of the nation’s enemies to know the US of A has an addled president, can it?

    He should be stepping aside and letting Kamala take over.

    Let Democrats see how President Harris fares for a couple months before the Democrat convention has to decide in August whether to run a different candidate or stick with Harris.

    That way, if they do decide to run with Harris, she’ll be entering the election as an incumbent.