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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023

  • I am also a bicyclist with three different bikes. One watch replaces three bicycle computers. I can track performance metrics, longevity of components, and service intervals… for all of my bicycles.

    My watch also has functions for sailing performance metrics, kayaking, hiking, running, and lots more sports.

    That’s ignoring the other watch functions: timers, find my phone (great for when the phone slips between cushions and I didn’t notice), compass, barometric trends, notification filtering…

    My partner has the same watch. The longitudinal health stats from her watch was one of the key factors in getting her health complaints taken seriously. One medical facility completely, repeatedly dismissed her concerns as “nothing serious.” Turns out she had Stage-IVb cancer (now recovered).

  • You are confidently incorrect on this. Currency == money. Money is, for we hoi polloi, a barely consentual conversion and exchange system for our labor, hypothetically allowing us to convert our labor into readily fungible exchange units. Money, at the Capital Class level, is debt, and therefore control, i.e. power. Money is just how they keep score.

    There are plenty of barter gifting and Communist (“from those of ability to those of need”) economies, just on scales that fly below the radar of most economists. Your sweeping assertion leads me to believe that you may simply be ignorant of those non-monetary exchanges. Would you be willing to add more context to your assertion?

    Edit: I misspoke; crashfrog raises a valid point, and I meant gift economies.

  • Wampum was used by Eastern Costal tribes as a storytelling aid.

    In the Salish Tribes, dentalium shell necklaces were used as a status symbol/indication of social rank. Some tribes used the necklaces as a type of currency, but I’ve only heard the “some tribes did this” part; never anything about which specific tribes used dentalium as currency.

    Obviously, anything that holds perceived value can be traded.

    Source: went to junior high in a school that taught two full years of Haudenosaunee (also called Iroquois) history.

    Salish source: I’ve been a volunteer naturalist in the Puget Sound for eight years with an annual training requirement, with entire days allocated to history of the original Salish tribe for the area where we’re working.

  • JayleneSlide@lemmy.worldtoFoodPorn@lemmy.worldOn a smashburger kick lately
    2 months ago

    To signal boost @Lifecoach5000 love of the smashburger: J. Kenji Lopez-Alt goes into great culinary depth about burgers, including the Oklahoma smashie. This is the version I make for friends and loved ones: https://www.seriouseats.com/oklahoma-onion-burger-recipe

    If you can source beef from grass-fed pastured steer (in contrast to CAFO beef), it makes such a huge difference. For example, we get beef from a small scale local rancher family that does all their own butchery. Anything more than salt and pepper on their beef starts to detract from the subtle complexities in the meat, complexities missing from grain-fed beef.

  • I’m actually kicking my past self for not trying it sooner it’s so good.

    This right here. For most of my cooking life, I thought this salad sounded disgusting, or at best, a waste of ingredients. Oh, so many summers I missed out on this tastiness because I was stubborn. If you enjoy any of these flavors individually, do yourself a favor and give this a try. There is a lot of leeway and flexibility with the ingredients, so you can swap in different components to use what you have in the fridge.

  • Oh, right! I forgot about all of the LIDAR-equipped planes in maritime communities! Those are way more economical to fly than any sUAS. /s in case that wasn’t obvious.

    In case you, or anyone else, were vaguely interested in learning:

    -kelp extent mapping needs to be done in repeatable fashion, specifically at low tide; we can put up an sUAS any time

    -the communities most in need of monitoring absolutely cannot afford to send planes up monthly

    -many of the kelp beds in the PacNW are in restricted airspace; it is much easier to get an FAA clearance to perform low-altitude surveys using sUAS

    -that restricted airspace I mentioned? Some of these kelp beds are on approach paths for the airspace. Even if a plane were the preferred choice for surveying, the planes are unable to fly in the pattern we need

    -(drifting a touch off your point of LIDAR-equipped planes) satellite imagery with the required resolution is prohibitively expensive

    -most construction projects wouldn’t use a plane for tasks such as volumetric or area analysis

    Consumer drones are quickly becoming the preferred, economical means for kelp health analysis, especially for communities that can’t afford planes or purchasing satellite imagery.

  • This “lonely adult” uses drones for aerial mapping and survey. This Summer’s huge project is a workflow I developed to map the extent of PacNW bull kelp forests in order to provide year-over-year health metrics. Using sUAS for this is way more automated, economical, repeatable, and granular than using airplanes and satellites, therefore within reach of those communities monitoring kelp health.

    DJI hits the sweet spot of capabilities, compatibility, and cost. Skydio (go USA!) has abandoned the consumer/enthusiast market that built their business. And even before they turned their back on the consumer market, Skydio couldn’t come close to DJI’s hardware. Additionally, Skydio, in true capitalist fashion, locked capabilities away behind software licenses, capabilities that are already built into the drone.

    It’s important for countries to have domestic drone manufacturing in the current conditions. But the USA’s actions here smack of protecting companies that just can’t hang.