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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: March 6th, 2024


  • I get what you’re trying to do here man, and I’m not falling for it. You’re not going to get me on a defensive to waste my time.

    The entire comment chain is there to see that I’m right regarding my accusations of you. And your sad attempts to victimize yourself fall VERY flat When held up against reality, soooloo, I really don’t needled to keep going in circles over this with you. Your comment history and mod logs show you’re a liar and a troll. Mine don’t.

    Though I do enjoy watching you try hard. It’s so embarrassing for you.

    I love it!

  • Oh I assure you that I blocked you. But it doesn’t matter because from the standpoint of a known troll, (easily verified by your comment history) you can’t be wrong under any circumstance.

    I’ll block you whenever I wish so as to put you in a little corner until I feel I have the patience and/or willingness to deal with someone rewriting my words and shouting them back at me. This is seemingly all you can do. So knowing you can’t argue in good faith- I owe you nothing more or less. I’ve tried reasoning with you. You’re showing that you’re seemingly incapable of it.

    You’re a troll. (again, verified by your comment history here) And because of this, I will never engage with you on your terms. So just know that when I get bored of you- I’ll block you again.

    And again….

    And again…