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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • They aren’t crap at all, stop projecting your opinion as fact.

    At worst they’re niche, but provide tangible and easily understandable benefits that you might not care about that others love. That’s like me hating on the newest Samsungs camera, just because I personally don’t value mobile photography.

    Your complaints about durabilitu are pretty tied these days, the technology has improved a lot and you can realistically be as careless as you can with any other cell phone. There are valid concerns , such as Samsungs issue with hairline cracking along the hinge, but you can stop parroting points addressed over the past 5 years now.

  • Hi cycling commuter and weekend bike packer here, welcome to the club!

    Before we start I just want to warn you that cycling, while a simple hobby is full of money sinks and gear envy. It’s very easy to spend 10x more for something marginally better, I only mention this now because it took me way too long to figure this out.

    On to gear recommendations:

    A good lock - this should be at least 10%the cost of your bike, also make sure to learn to lock your bike properly (not just through the front wheel)

    Spare tube(s) - while I agree a patch repair kit is great to have, repairing a tube when you’re late, it’s cold, and miserable is a hellish experience. especially for newbies, id recommend carrying a spare tube instead and just changing that. That way you can patch your original tube in the warmth of your home with a cuppa, much better experience. Swap it back when you’re done and you’re gravy.

    Gloves - Everyone falls. Everyone. Gloves not only make your ride more comfortable, but they also protect your palms on the event that you scrape them after a tumble (I write this with scraped palms after not following my own advice and falling last weekend)

    A basic repair kit - puncture repair, tyre levers, pump, multi tool w chain break, zipties and a metre or so of duct tape

    Sunnies - bike specific glasses are a scam (at least for beginners), just have a pair on the bike at all times. This will make riding at dawn/dusk and in the rain more comfortable. Id recommend polarized with a fairly light tint, too dark and it’ll be hard to ride in the rain with them.

    A bike bag to store it all in - nothing fancy just good to have things off your body and on the bike so wouldn’t recommend a backpack. This is the first place where you can spend a lot of money, but a good bike bag is never a bad investment.

    The more you ride the more you’ll come to realize what you need and don’t need, you’ll add a bunch to this list but I doubt there’s anything you’ll remove so it’s a good starting place.

  • Today I will be telling my boss Im quting come Feb. It’s not a great time, but in my industry it never is, and I feel like giving more notice is better than waiting for a “good time”.

    I don’t really owe them anything and my leaving isn’t gonna effect the behemoth of a company, but my boss has been very supportive and so I feel like I owe her atleast that much. The nerves are real though

  • Kirca@lemmy.worldtoTechnology@lemmy.world*Permanently Deleted*
    10 months ago

    It’s not quite that simple when you’re talking about a company with huge market share like that because the decisions they make go on to effect the market as a whole, look at headphone jacks, or screen notches for example. Not saying this is only apples fault, companies following their lead are just as bad or worse in some cases.

    We can see it happening again with the removal of Sim cards, sure it won’t effect me, but if it becomes more industry standard, it will; and I like physical Sims (though that argument is not for here).

    In my opinion it is important to know and criticize market leaders to try to avoid those changes becoming industry norm. To use your example, I would care about what whiteware my neighbours buy if the shitty decisions they make come back to effect me down the road. Look at the criticism of smart TVs and how hard it is to get a top featured “dumb Tvs” now.

  • Protip for those job hunting: if you’re going to fake your references (and tbh you should), don’t do it from the same network. Even sending one while connected to your wifi and the other from your phone on mobile data should be fine (though different devices on different networks would be better). Also don’t do one and then immediately do the other.

    The reason is software will show the IP address it was submitted from, and the time the link was accessed, if we get multiple from the same address or one is submitted and then the next is immediately opened then it looks pretty sus.

    Last note, if you put a reference as someone overseas make sure you’re not submitting the reference at a weird local time. The amount of references where it is submitted at 2pm local time, but it’s a “British referee” is hilarious.

    Best of luck peeps.