US Recession is due to Trump. He literally bankrupted his own casinos for his gains. He is basically going to do what he is good at to US.
US Recession is due to Trump. He literally bankrupted his own casinos for his gains. He is basically going to do what he is good at to US.
Elon is scamming tax payer money and subsidies by blowing up his SpaceX rockets like fireworks. DOGE need to look into his wastages.
Musk was approved by Krasnov Trump, he needs to grow a spine and take responsibility for musk. Instead Krasnov Trump is going to make Musk a scapegoat after getting what he want. Musk on the other hand is going to blame it on the leaders of organizations that fired workers
Same for every other industry with poor people and rich people working for them that you CARE about, they are Americans.
They are not going to bring it down, Trump increased the debt a huuge amount. https://www.investopedia.com/us-debt-by-president-dollar-and-percentage-7371225
Same for every industry, executives, politicians and shareholders are Americans too.
In american workers hands too.
Trump added a lot to the national debt. https://www.investopedia.com/us-debt-by-president-dollar-and-percentage-7371225
Resign or prison please. As a leader he needs to lead by example.
wow thanks for that, adjust my bad reviews.
Don’t forget to leave bad review of reddit app and encourage others to move to lemmy in the review.
That is what naked prehistoric apes said about technology called clothes and domestication of plants and animals and cave paintings.
probably his upbringing. https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2025/jan/26/elon-musk-peter-thiel-apartheid-south-africa
some may turn out ok, but many people with shitty parents turn out shitty as adults.
I found something but it is for chrome. https://github.com/Xodarap/Paranoid-Browsing
Is there a way to generate fake user activity data to feed to Firefox or stripped down versions of firefox ?
So that the data is useless for anyone buying it.
Furthermore fake browsing data also messes up data collection by websites.
please pay me if you want to sell my data. At the end of the day I am a business and need to cover operating cost.
Is there an open source tool to generate fake user activity data for Firefox to consume?
Elon is triggered… so talk more about eggs.