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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: January 28th, 2024


  • Good. I stand by my belief that Christians are absolute pieces of shit that should have their churches taxed into fucking bankruptcy and their assets seized for being fucking liars who, for 2000 years have been taking advantage of the poor.

    The difference is, he’s allowed to call for the death of Innocent people and hide behind his gold plated cross like a fucking coward.

    Meanwhile, nobody is allowed to say a goddamn thing about his church diddling kids and getting away with it, because they’re federally protected. And for what? What has a single goddamn Christian done for society? The crusades, the inquisition, the Holocaust… And now all they do is go on “mission trips” to poor countries to get a picture of themselves holding a shovel. The lot of them are as useful as taste buds on an asshole.

    It’s all a goddamn show. Not one of them actually believe a fucking word of the Bible. They all know they’re collectively full of shit and just going with the motions hoping no one calls them out on it.

    I was homeless for a year, through no fault of my own. I had a full-time job and lived in my car, occasionally renting an Airbnb to shower. I went to every single Christian Church in my home town trying to get help and every last one of them turned me away. I couldn’t even get them to give be canned food.

    I went to a Jewish synagogue and they fed me and one of the rabbis let me wash my clothes at his house.

    That’s what good Christians are. They’ll keep up appearances for that tax break, but anything past that and they’re full of shit. Always have been.

  • My boss is one of those “ultra Maga” lunatics. He likes to say “well, wherever you get your news isn’t giving you the full story.” I said “did you ever think that maybe you’re being lied to by Newsmax?” He got very indignant about it. The notion that a Russian propaganda channel would lie to him of all people…

    That’s the thing; Dunning-Kruger is rampant among these people. And, it hasn’t escaped me that it’s mostly people with a Southern accent. The fact that the American South has some of the lowest education scores and highest rates of religion kind of tells you everything you need to know about who the civilized world is up against.

    There’s a reason Hitler had a hard-on for the Jim Crow South. The line between Confederate sympathizer and Nazi is razor thin.

  • I used to live in Volusia County, where a kid died from meningitis recently. The city of Oak Hill had the audacity to call the school “Burns Science and Technology” Charter School.

    The town that it’s in had a history of being populated by people who were hiding out from the cops, most of them for drug charges and about 10 years ago, their entire police force was fired because of meth use. The county is now in charge there.

    This is a town that is in the process of being gentrified, but it is still very much full of ill-informed rednecks that are hostile to any kind of governance.

    The fact that a kid died because of the ignorance of the State of Florida is an absolute tragedy, full stop.

    And this city is also responsible because they know that vaccines are necessary to prevent this kind of thing, and they chose to ignore both common sense and logic.

    Ron DeSantis only set the precedent for Florida to be able to let this happen. The kid’s parents are to blame, along with the city of Oak Hill and Volusia County. Shame on the lot of them.

  • your dad is an old school uneducated bigot.

    You’re not wrong. The ordeal was basically him saying to his friend “You know (friend’s name), if I had a son that was ‘queer’ I don’t think I’d mind.” His friend tried to basically just agree with him, but it was awkward, mostly because the conversation was apropos of nothing; just brought up out of nowhere.

    To this day, I struggle with hearing the word ‘queer’ as something other than a slur and I feel bad even saying it just because of the negative connotation in which my dad used it. I know that it isn’t and that people who identify as such use the word proudly, as well they should, but I’ve had to hear it as a word that meant something bad my whole life. I’m working on changing that way of thinking, but it’s been tough.

    To your other point, if Jesus were real, he wouldn’t take a single Christian (Save for maybe Dolly Parton) to “heaven.”

    My boss is a hard core “Christian” that has hot-take opinions on things like immigration. I asked him if “Jesus” would approve of his opinion on that and his exact words were “I don’t care what Jesus said.” None of them actually believe a word of what they hear at church. They just recite what they hear, a la “bros” that quote ESPN. It’s all one big act that they’re all in on, but no one wants to break the fourth wall, so to speak.

  • Thank you. I was far more fortunate than a lot of my LGBTQ brothers and sisters. My dad tried to talk to me about it once when I was about 12, but he decided to take me on a fishing trip with one of his friends. I felt cornered, so I just avoided their questions. They were both vocally anti-gay, so it was a moot point regardless.

    I feel you on the separation of church and state, though. I live in Tennessee and apart from there being giant crosses that get used as landmarks, but the whole state may as well just be a huge billboard for the Christians. That’s not even mentioning the fact that Christians graffiti under bridges and post signs there that say “Repent: The Lord is coming” and other little Jesus catchphrases. Last I checked, spray painting government property was a crime and so is littering (I consider the signs the same as dumping trash).

    Nothing gets done about it because, at this point, Christianity is state sponsored terrorism. I don’t know what else to call it.