I’m just happy ig is letting porn through. Cooters and hooters out and about is an indicator of a healthy social media environment
I’m just happy ig is letting porn through. Cooters and hooters out and about is an indicator of a healthy social media environment
Lmfao. You don’t beat the system by obeying the system. You burn it to the ground a build a new system, with hookers and blackjack.
“Seeing as your honor shows a 7, the prosecution will stand on 19.”
defense also with 17 “Hit us, your honor”
judge throws down a 4, half the courtroom bursts into cheers and the other into tears
Puberty ends at about 21-23 for women and 23-25 in men. The brain does some crazy af pruning of neurons between 13 and 23. While the actual hormone flood starts early, the entire process takes much longer to complete on a brain function level.
The stock market holds value because people believe it holds value. There is nothing actually backing any of that up. We dumb monkies just like watching number go up and will ensure number goes up at all costs. It’s how capitalism works.
Donate to Sikh kitchens. Core tenant of their religion is simple acts of kindness for the sake of being kind. They take everyone in at Sikh kitchens. Even cities in Texas and CA that like to ban feeding the homeless can’t do shit about these kitchens because it is recognized as a part of their worship.
Man that is a hard take. Amy Shumer is a female clone of nick swardson minus the creativity, which is miniscule but significant in this comparison. Both of them peaked at high school humor and never got over it.
Members only. All AFGE local positions are volunteer (unpaid) positions. While you are allowed some time during working hours to conduct union business as a federal employee, its like 2 hours 2 or 3 times a week. And the system for hiring and retaining federal employees is designed to weed out firecrackers like me who both understand their rights and have the spine to stand up and say something about them. Good luck building a revolution out of a population specifically selected to be meek and obedient.
AFGE does not fight back unless there is a political statement to be made. I was hired as a federal employee in 2023 and endured 6 months of rights violations, gaslighting from management, and incompetence from HR. When I made complaints, I was shitcanned. When I went to the union, I was told that they had no representation since the last president of the local resigned in 2022. I was told “arbitrations are expensive” when I filed grievances that the union refused to back. I was told “probationary employees have no rights” despite my union contract very much specifying otherwise. The ONLY reason AFGE is getting off its ass now is because AFGE as an organization is being threatened. They don’t care about their union members. They only care about their own fucking paycheck.
Why limit yourself to real materials? Just whip up a few hundred thousand miles of superconducting cable and then set your price.
If you have to quibble about things being possible, just figure out graphene batteries/capacitors and you’re set forever.
Ohhhhh. With the thing under the platter it looks like a stainless steel dog bowl.
Why is it in a dog bowl?
In the words of Brennan, laws are just threats made by the socioeconomic elite and enforced by the slave catcher class (police).
Why is every single person Asian? Chinese bug in the corner of the video too
Doesn’t an ionic air moving system like this put out a big ass EM field?
Im a fabricator who don’t fuck with the lecky, but maybe someone more educated than me can explain why this doesn’t wipe your memory every time the cooling kicks on
I always win at tragic backstory.
My dad won box tickets to the last 49er game at candlestick through some radio contest. All expenses paid, bunch of merch, got to meet some players, whole VIP package. Happened to be that the last game at the stadium was a few days after my birthday and a couple days before Christmas. I even happen to live in the area while he was flying out from Texas.
He got me a card with $20 in it and took his mom, stepdad, and ex wife with him to the game. Killed himself about 8 months later. Thanks pop.
Apparently you just have to kill a ceo in public and dozens of cops will come make sure you don’t get suicided before the state does it.
Good. Fuckem. Never seen a lazier lot than government employees, including military. Some of the kids they bring in start off hard working, but the old guard always corrects them into the old government standard. Do as little as possible to not get chewed out at the end of the day
Why bother with gas if resources aren’t an issue? Something savagely luxurious about cooking over wood. Primal but decadent.