I lost some, I won some.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 25th, 2023


  • We all like to joke about cats leeching but they’re definitely not Capitalist. They’re hunter gatherers for whom the concept of hoarding resources doesn’t exist. To them, when there’s plenty, you vie for it all within the social group (seems there are hierarchies?) and no one has to go hungry and there’s no waste (including wasted energy). This also preserves plenty of leisure and social time.

    If raised in an environment where it makes sense to hunt and you encourage them to do so, they’ll happily contribute what they believe to be palatable food. If left alone, reasonably fit cats can fend for themselves too if necessary.

    They’ll take what shelter they get and bury their waste so it can fertilize the ground.

  • It doesn’t. Graeber was an anthropologist and Wengrow is an archaeologist. It’s a review of existing evidence from past civilizations (the diversity of which most people are hugely ignorant about), making the case the most common representations of “civilization” and “progress” are severely limited, probably to a detrimental extent since we often can only base our conceptions of what is possible on what we know.