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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023

  • Before 2016 I was definitely in the camp of looking at both major parties as well as any third parties. I was voting for who I thought was the best despite whatever party they were in.

    However, 2016 really opened my eyes to what the Republican party is. They are a party that isn’t allowed to have different ideas. You follow the party line and do what you are told or you will be kicked out. Even republicans I thought might have cared for this country would have taken a stance but they didn’t. They tucked their tails and bent the knee.

    I will never ever vote for a Republican. I can see clear as day what they are now and it isn’t good. They aren’t able to hide who they are anymore.

    You can have debates in the Republican party. You can in the democratic party. Which unfortunately makes the Dems a weaker party because it isn’t a cult you are allowed to have a different opinion. The democratic party is basically all the sane adults that are left. It’s not just the “left” anymore it’s those in the center or those who didn’t go far right with the Republicans. The Dems will spend the next year attacking each other and fighting within the party because they aren’t unified and told what to think by one leader. So not all Dems will turn out.

    It seems voter like to dismiss everything the democratic party does if they don’t line up with them completely on every issue. The voters find one reason to vote for Republicans and ignore the rest of party line.

  • I do have hope because it’s hard to live without it. I’m probably a little jaded because I live in a predominantly red area. I’ll just keep voting and doing my best to get others to vote as well. Also planning on going to some school board meetings soon if it works with my schedule.

    Yes I have offspring

    I hope people remember what it was like and what was done under that president and what that party has done lately. I worry people have either stop paying attention or have grown apathetic. That’s what will lead to trump again because we have to come out in large numbers to counteract all the Tom foolery they’re going to be up to.

  • I’m not throwing in the towel I’m just looking at the facts of what happens to rich white men in this country. He has found a way out of everything. People have been saying he’s goong to prison since 2016. They don’t call him Teflon don for nothing. I hope to see him pay for his crimes but I think it’s more likely he cheats to become president again and then it will all just go away. He also has the backing of the supreme Court and the Dems have a really hard time holding seats in Congress because we aren’t playing a fair game.

  • Oh I am far from apathetic. I am fucking pissed off and nothing will stop me from getting to the voting booth along with my SO. However, I am not optimistic for the USA or the world at this point. I hope I am wrong but as far as I can tell we are headed in the wrong direction all over the globe. Millions and millions of people are turning towards authoritarian governments. You have a very very loud minority in our country that wants to install a christofascist government and Im pretty sure they aren’t going anywhere and will do anything for power.

  • I’m calling it right now. We missed our chance to kick him out of office we are going to miss our chance to see him answer for his crimes. He will be elected president through cheating, gerrymandering, and anything they can try. After that we will only have elections as a facade and we will be ruled by a right wing oligarchy. Probably will resemble Russia in the most part. Ukraine will be given to Russia and the us will help make that happen. Israel will get even bolder because the Christian right want to bring on the apocalypse. A new world order will be born with China and Russia at the front. This made possible because they will succeeded in neutering the us by helping install a useful idiot in trump and all the other Republicans that are on the pay roll. Buckle up because shit is about the get even worse. We haven’t even started on how right wing governments are absolutely terrible with dealing with any outside threat because they are so fucking corrupt. Climate change is going to devistste the entire plant and these right wing ass holes will only make it worse and worse until it’s way past redeemable. The wars that are going to start over territory and resources will be like no conflict this plant has ever seen.

  • Yeah I get that sorry about the name calling I’m just burnt out with this shit and angry. I guess it gets old always watching the Republicans fuck up left and right but the Democrats have to clean it up with little to no praise.

    He literally goes on the news and trys to blame all this stuff on Democrats and then he needs them to save his job. Democrats are just supposed to bail them out of their inability to do anything correctly.

    Stuck between a rock and a hard place.

    Yeah maybe the Democrats should step in and save the Republicans one more time. Then they can go on network television and continue to blame Democrats and give them no credit for keeping the government open.

    Maybe they feel like it’s time Republicans finally deal with the consequences of their actions. Maybe some America’s will wake up and see for themselves how dysfunctional that party really is.

    However, in retrospect we will probably find out you’re right and that whatever we get after this is going to be worse than what we had. The enemy you know is better than one you don’t.

  • I get what you are saying and I think everyone is just so angry and that makes them defensive. The only path a lot of people see is thru the system we have and making change with in it. So the best path to that change is the democratic party and people are sick of hearing the argument that they are just the same. They aren’t the same at all. However just because the other political part is irredeemable doesn’t mean we can’t be critical of “our” side. The Democrats are an obvious better choice but they still have a lot of problems that need to be addressed. We just need to make sure we keep what democracy we have and work to make it stronger.

  • Not sure how a duck would help but I can’t imagine it would hurt. Now if you’re talking about growing a dick you can either do that in your garden or pick one up at your local grocery store. The fun thing about growing your own dick is you can grow it to whatever size fits your needs. Just insert it into your manliest pants and they’ll be none the wiser.

    Also make sure you wear like a really gaudy gold cross necklace. Then you just want to go around town stating really ignorant things that you believe in that are very easily disproven. You really want to trick them you may have to indulge in their racist, homophobic, transphobic, or really any kind of derogatory talk will work.