• 26 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023


  • I’ve got my continuous brew of kombucha going for my daily consumption.

    On the more interesting side, I’ve got some spruce tip mead going which I’m hoping turns out well. There was a little bit of a scare where I was concerned it could be infected, but it seems fine.

    Sadly, I was doing an experiment with sea lovage spiced mead which succumbed to mold and needed to be dumped. Something to retry next year.

    This year’s berry harvest is basically FUBAR. Global warming did a number on it so now there’s near zero salmonberries and the ones which did appear are partially desiccated or only half ripe. So no salmonberry wine this year, probably even not enough for jam :(

    Blueberries are way too early, but they’re tasting fine at least. I’ll probably try a blueberry wine or mead. Encountered a few hiccups last year because of their acidity, but I’m better equipped this year so hopefully that turns out well and I can bottle some stuff for the winter.

  • neither party when elected do anything meaningful to secure the border or deport illegals.

    It might shock you to learn the best way to prevent immigration is to make the countries experiencing outflows more stable and liveable, but I’m gonna take a wild guess you don’t like foreign aid.

    maintain demographics

    There sure was a lot of hand wringing before you wrote down what your actual problem with immigration was.

    Pray tell what is the ideal demographic make up if the United States?

    monero icon

    Imagine branding yourself with the image of a way to circumvent state authority only to lick the boot at the first opportunity.

  • Where are you getting free VM hosting?

    The comment was in reference to VPN services. Sadly, given theres no right to privacy, you must pay to not be tracked.

    i feel like most of your argument is rendered moot with encrypted dns solutions like DoH.

    You misunderstand. Large ISPs run their own DNS servers which are preconfigured into the devices they sell. They are the intended recipient and you’d just be encrypting it in transit to their servers.

  • Another reason to use a VPN is that ISPs have every motive to sell your browsing data and they do. Unlike many other groups tracking you, your ISP inherently has your meatspace name, address, and payment information making their data easily collatable and very valuable.

    If you use the default DNS on their provided router they can even tell if someone purchased an XBox, Playstation, or any other smart device just from update and telemetry lookups.

    As the article says, by using a VPN youre using someone else’s ISP making that info worthless.

    If your threat model includes preventing ad networks from gathering data, a VPN absolutely is a tool to prevent that. Do you have to pay for a service? Probably not if you’re technical enough; a VM in a data center is probably sufficient.