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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • It’s like catching a little kid in a lie and they just keep on making up more and more hilarious crap to cover the initial lie. Each lie builds on itself requiring a bigger, more ridiculous lie to cover it up and before you know it, you went from who ate the missing yogurt to now the sky is a glass dome, the sun is a giant flashlight that the government turns on and off and the moon only glows because of magical glow worms that live on its surface

  • The way I’m reading it (and I could absolutely be wrong here) but it sounds like he might be saying he has the money now thru hard work and tan lotion or whatever the hell. Not that he always had it. That would still cause problems but not nearly as much as if he is saying he always had it. Cause then he basically lied in court under oath which is obviously a no no.

    But if he’s saying he like hit the ground and made some shrewd genius business moves to raise the money quickly or something I don’t think that would cause a ton of problems. And I could easily see some moron rich people getting together and just giving him the money or something

  • Kinda unrelated but holy balls did you see that Tucker Carlson crap in Russia? The interview and the several videos after that… It is the most blatant ridiculous propaganda I’ve seen in a long time and it’s strange. That combined with the crazy amount of Russian bots on those videos puts you in such a weird weird environment it’s crazy

    He even says

    “Coming to a Russian grocery store, the ‘heart of evil,’ and seeing what things cost and how they live, it will radicalize you against our leaders. That’s how I feel, anyway, radicalized.”

    Lmao usually they try to be just a smidge more sneaky with the propaganda

  • You’re totally right. I misspoke. I should have said the largest demographic I suppose. I meant that users under the age of like 21 are by far the biggest “piece of the pie” of users.

    I’d push back a little that it’s not a kids app tho. I think they are targeting teens and young adults as the primary demographic but I could definitely be persuaded out of that. But having worked in a high school for the last 4 years, I can at least say that tik tok is those kids LIFE lol. It is all they think about. Eat sleep and dream tik tok with like YouTube and Instagram in the background.

    Also I didn’t mean at all that the app was pushing “minor” content or fetishizing young kids or anything in any way. That’s my mistake if it came off like that. I more meant to ask if the user was okay with users giving their data away even if they were a teenager as they would obviously be either much less “informed” or just don’t care about where their personal data is sent or why.

    But I guess it doesn’t matter. This is like the tenth time I’ve asked an honest question just got down voted a ton and not even answered lol I guess the lesson is to just not ask questions idk my bad