Love when gelato has a liquor or wine in it.
Love when gelato has a liquor or wine in it.
No, and crying
Well I don’t recall ever trying any, I’m intrigued
Maybe they have really good vanilla. I think vanilla is underrated as a flavor in general, and making a good one requires really high quality ingredients because it’s such a subtle flavor.
Mmm yes I also love that one
That’s awful. Btw what did the manager say?
Caterer turned detective?
Add Periodical to the list. Data stored locally, and you can export it and transfer it to your new device in a .json file.
Hmm they seem like reasonable people. You wouldn’t want to have dessert only, would you
Oh this image took forever to load. Meanwhile I was imagining everything in the same dish
Wow I would have thought if everyone had food and shelter then we would have more pornography, not less. And I’d also wager we would have better quality porn too. Along with better quality of a lot of other things really
Rotavirus immunity is partial. You only need to come in contact with a strain too different from whatever your vaccine or childhood exposure was and you’ll catch it again.
I got the vaccine as a child, and yet I caught it in my early 30s for the first time after moving to another country. Have you seen The Exorcist? I didn’t know projectile vomit was a thing for real until then. I also didn’t know about projectile diarrhoea. I wish I was still ignorant of these things
Agreed, though, it adds up.
Are you talking about in people’s homes or in like laundromats? I’d be really curious to learn about a consistent placement in the middle east in particular, it never occured to me thinking this would be a thing anywhere in the world.
I live in Australia and have seen a lot of people’s homes for work reasons and can’t find a left/right pattern of dryer and washer placement. People just put them wherever they can, if anything dryers tend to be placed higher up (on the wall, at shoulder height) and washers are always on the ground but there is no left to right preference.
Some people even have the machines in different rooms, usually this is the washer in the laundry (or bathroom if no space for laundry) and the dryer in the garage or outside the house. As I already said these are just tendencies and you find plenty of people with different arrangements.
In a similar line, “the world belongs to the brave”
(breathe in)
(Breathe out)
People speed up while you overtake them?
People spelling “seperately” instead of “separately”.
People on the motorway overtaking you just so they can drive slower than you once they’re in front of you. I always wonder why did they bother overtaking in the first place.
I slept all day yesterday and slept in this morning as well and my skin looks beautiful