May I ask, why did you like 100 years of solitude? Did you read it in Spanish or translated to another language? I read it in Spanish and can appreciate a lot of good things in it, but I always wonder how it feels like for people who don’t have a latin/Spanish background. Perhaps you do, I don’t know. Still curious!
So while I was in my teens I got into a palmistry phase. I was like 15 or 14 y/o. One of my highschool teachers started teasing me about it, and at some point asked me for a palm reading, just for the lulz.
I took it seriously, as I do with most things unfortunately, and did as asked. I didn’t say much because I had no idea of what I was doing, but I did recognize in his hands what my book said was a sign of sudden end of life. I estimated the time and warned him he probably didn’t have a lot of time left, five years tops. He got really angry when I said that and held the grudge for about two weeks, claiming I was being rude. I just wanted to help…
Time passed and I grew out of my palm reading phase.
Almost two years later during class someone showed up and informed us that the teacher died in a car crash for driving recklessly. The room went silent. Everyone including myself had forgotten about the palm reading incident, well, almost everyone. Breaking the silence with a gasp, one of my classmates said, “OMG!!! IT’S LIKE WHAT (my irl name) SAID DURING THE PALM READING!!! OMG!!!”