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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: December 31st, 2023


  • A large part of the confusion is that dinosaurs did not emerge from birds in the same way that humans did not evolve from Chimpanzees (nor monkeys) - but rather, both groups in those pairs evolved from a common ancestor (but different ones:-).

    Birds have feathers and for the most part fly, while alligators not so much. In attempting to simplify, e.g. Avians to “birds”, it causes confusion. Alligators also are not warm-blooded as birds are, not do they have beaks, all hallmarks of modern birds, but they do have four legs, long body with a tail, moveable eyelids - and don’t they have external ear openings as well? - all hallmarks of modern lizards.

    Scientists use precision language like “non-Avian theropod”, but those don’t map perfectly to common words like “birds”, which everyone knows are just government drones anyway:-P.

  • Without having heard the podcast yet, I can assume that the conservatives won by actually trying, aka giving a damn about winning. They listened to their base - okay so abortion is bad, check, also gays are bad, check, etc. - then went on an enormous campaign that lasted for decades as you said, until they finally fucking delivered on what they promised… or some facsimile thereof. And now that they did, some conservative folks are finally questioning whether it was a good thing after all… but anyway the most important stuff of all got taken care of: tax cuts on the wealthy, check; also owning the libturds, check.

    Trump goes to jail? Who cares, they still banned abortions. The nation slides into a totalitarian regime? So long as gays are prevented from marrying one another, that still counts as a win! OMG I wish I were joking!! 🤮 But that is reality, and conservatives are facing it.

    Whereas if Hillary Clinton had faced it, maybe she would have campaigned a bit harder in Midwestern states, rather than merely make comments about liking grits and carrying hot sauce in her purse.

    Anyway as you said, run for city councils and schoolboards. Conservatives do that, based on their alternative facts, but liberals with our actual true facts usually seem to not bother, at which point ofc they will win, by default - that’s just how that works, especially when someone runs unopposed. We may talk about UBI or whatever, and some exceedingly rare instances are able to give such things a try, but for the most part it’s the slow grind, the basic gains, the slow and steady progress that wins the race. Maybe we can (re-)learn what we seem to have forgotten from ye olden decades by watching modern conservatives.

    As the great man Jon Stewart once said (in reference to media), “liberals aim to be correct, while conservatives aim to be effective”. I don’t fully know what that means, except FAAFO, as we are always doing right now, at every moment.

  • YOUR kids would, I suspect, be better off than most kids in the USA - bc having parents that actually give a damn helps so much:-).

    Will we keep up military?

    ^This right there - this is about all that we have going for us. We provide protection and direct services, which isn’t nothing, nor is it never improperly abused (more’s the pity), but it is something. Otherwise, what, Apple, Microsoft, Facebook, Twitter/X - these are the “innovations” that we share with the world? Along with Hollywood and whatever art like fashion we can get people to care about?

    Anyway, things look bleak right now - bc, you know, they are:-D - but also remember: our media lies to us. Constantly. “If it bleeds it leads”, but conversely all the dry boring stuff simply doesn’t get reported, which is a travesty. Like how Biden made happen a MAJOR breakthrough in railway workers, taking six months of negotiations but eventually delivering everything that they asked for iirc including scheduling issues and PTO and sick leave (the dedicated latter is minimal but the former is flexible and can be used for anything) - that’s hella impressive, and considering how no other president has done such for railway workers specifically addressed a huge gaping hole in our nation’s infrastructure, with that form of transportation being so crucial to us all, mostly in ways we don’t even take any time at all to think about. And yet what did the media say about it? So when they preach doom & gloom for like climate change and the economy, setting aside how those are truly accurate, keep in mind that it’s also extremely biased.

    Things won’t be the same as before - they won’t be as good as when life was easy. And maybe that’s for the better even bc damn did the generation that is putting us into this mess get complacent and entitled. But we’ll move forward regardless. And it’s not all bad - e.g. all the fantastic medical breakthroughs, which keeps happening even if they are for like highly specific diseases, yet for those that have them it makes all the difference, and also every advance helps scientists learn and makes possible future ones. 😁

  • Not merely the USA, as e.g. Brexit shows - this is happening everywhere, across the majority of the world stage, and in a targeted manner especially the Western nations. Even before Putin, things were set in motion, and we knew it at the time even yet did nothing to halt it, like a cancer growing or a virus infection, and because it presents as “us” we leave it alone, until it is ready to burst out and reveal its true intentions, when hiding is no longer necessary. To illustrate, one example seems to be the creation of Fox News, but surely that is not the only such thing.

  • So what happened to the left then, for it to have become so hopelessly inept? HRC was extremely disconnected from any irl people, but so are all such wealthy individuals who don’t live in the same world that the rest of us mere slobs humans do - is it really just a function that her campaign manager was not as good as the efforts put forth from the other side, similarly to how legal battles are won by lawyers rather than actual matters of substance like facts? It certainly doesn’t help that various outside actors got involved - with the numerous and exceedingly severe “email scandals”, but even aside from those she really seemed to be struggling with campaigning.

    What it feels like is two giants fighting - the elites (and I think you know but to be absolutely clear, not the paper masks that they wear like “Biden” or “Trump”) - while the rest of us poor chumps get stepped on as they do. Which is obviously true, but somehow not fully, either, bc the true giants don’t even care (much) who wins bc they have the system so rigged that they win either way. The latter we could not begin to fight, but we may actually get to choose our own brand of toothpaste, if we work hard enough at it. And women’s rights seems like it is something up for grabs that way?

    Especially, and this is the crucial part of my point, at the local level - at least currently, until the conservative politicians decide that they need another win and take that as well. While we argue amongst ourselves but do actually nothing to stop it.

  • Weiner in particular is probably a bad example, as the other responder to your comment pointed out, but in general I think we need to see more of that kind of thinking. The Left eats its own - like Al Franken - leaving the Right to gobble up power, pushing forward even people like George Santos, revealing the total lack of ethics standing in their way to get it.

    Which is why they will win, eventually - facts be damned, bc this is the era of Alternative Facts - unless we pull our heads out of our asses and focus! e.g. if people protest not-vote for Biden due to the Gaza situation, or gas prices, or whatever, I don’t see how the “moral purity” that would result will in any way be preferable to Trump doing far, FAR worse.